View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments......

Dennis Peacock
07-09-2012, 9:15 AM
9 July 2012

Good Morning Everyone,
The great news is that we have been getting some much needed rain.!!! I am thankful for the rain we have gotten and I hope we get more over the next week or so.

I'm making plans for building an aquarium stand/cabinet for a 55 gallon tank I got for $25 that looks almost brand new. I love keeping and watching fish and yes, this will be a freshwater tank setup. The LOML enjoys the fish like I do and it's nice to be able to get back into this after 15 years since the last setup.

The shop clean up is making great progress and yes...it was a total mess. :)

That's it for me this week, so what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Matt Meiser
07-09-2012, 9:28 AM
I assembled all the boxes for our laundry and half bath cabinetry and build drawers. Sprayed the drawers with shellac and WB lacquer, sanded all the face frames, and did some bigger scale testing with stain which I think I've got figured out. Also fitted the face frame for the 1/2 bath cabinet since it goes between 2 walls which was pain. Saturday I took LOML to the mall and a movie since LOMLjr was spending the night with a friend.

Oh, and I fixed the fluorescent fixture in my shop office which has been acting up for months. I finally took a look at parts at Lowes and found out how easy it was to gut the existing ballast (which turns out it is so old that it didn't have a zip code in the address,) wiring, and even sockets and convert to a modern electronic ballast with T8 bulbs. All for less money than a new fixture and a lot less work since its in a drop ceiling that would probably have to be taken down and put back up to get the fixture out due to clearances.

Larry Klaaren
07-09-2012, 5:36 PM
Went in the garage/shop for the first time since my rotator cuff surgery on May 18. Mostly cleaned and put stuff away since a certain person goes in there and gets tools out to make minor repairs in the house and doesn't always put them back. That certain person would be me. I worked a little bit on the top of a desk I am finishing up. My son goes to Loyola Chicago on the 22nd of August. I am making it for him, but it turns out he didn't get the housing he wanted and the desk will probably not fit in his room. (We are pretending he will spend time in his room, even though the reason he transfered there is living in a women's dorm). Trying to get it done by the 22nd of August anyway. Any ideas for finishing the top would be appreciated. It's oak plywood in a rabbeted oak frame. My dad made the bottom of the desk before he moved into assisted living. All that is left is the top. He was making it for my son also. I will get a stain to match the bottom, which Dad already stained, but am deciding how to finsh it off. Would poly urethane have the right "feel"?

Shawn Pixley
07-09-2012, 9:55 PM
I was productive and completed a top component of the cabinet I am building. Spent the better part of Saturday dialing in the breadboard ends. Sunday finished the component and cleaned up the shop (garage) and put the cars back in. Back to work this morning.

Bruce Wrenn
07-09-2012, 9:59 PM
Saturday morning, worked on a water buffalo for my neighbor to transport water. Saturday afternoon, a kidney stone started kicking my butt. Took a happy pill and slept the rest of the day. Sunday, got up and went to church, came home did a couple of household chores, and then to my FIL for dinner. (He lost his bride of 73 years in May, so we try to take dinner to him on Sunday night.) Left FIL's house and went to work at the Y for a couple hours, replacing emergency exit lights.

Mike Heidrick
07-09-2012, 10:28 PM
Flipping hot - cleaned shop a bit and dripped sweat a few places.

Bought a new feeder and unloaded it but thats it. 300 miles and no AC in the truck - need to get that looked at.

Helped some boys at Adrenaline Co. Nascar Simulator build their CNC - over the phone tech support on their VFD controller setup.

Back to work today and still wishing for the weekend.

Andrew Howe
07-09-2012, 10:53 PM
I finished rehabing my inca 510 jointer/planer and worked on building dust collectors for both functions of the machine. Also startedsketching out cabinet storage ideas.

David Hostetler
07-10-2012, 12:26 PM
I have been fighting a summer cold that managed on the 4th of July to turn itself into pneumonia... So I spent the weekend on the mend, mostly sleeping. I managed to get out to the shop and just sit in a chair, reading a woodworking magazine, mostly to get away from the air conditioning. I wanted it HOT...

Charles Wiggins
07-10-2012, 1:31 PM
GARAGE SALE! Got rid of a lot of crap and got back $355 we desperately needed.

Also bought parts to make a steam box. I have to bend some birch to put a lip on the lazy susans I am building for a corner cabinet in our kitchen.