View Full Version : Lodge pole

Eric Gourieux
07-08-2012, 1:27 AM
The owner of one of the galleries where I sell some of my work wants me to turn some pieces from lodge pole pine killed or "infected" by the pine bark beetle. The problem is that the gallery is in Vail Colorado and I'm in Indiana. No lodge pole pines here. Anybody have any suggestions on acquiring turning stock from Colorado? Has anybody turned this stuff? The closest I've turned is NIP.

Don Orr
07-09-2012, 2:51 PM
Maybe you could refer them to someone closer to them? Lot of turners in Colorado. You'd lose a sale but just might gain some good karma.

Jim Burr
07-09-2012, 3:05 PM
I can check with my firewood guy...also a cool source of turning stock!! I'm about 30 minutes away from a huge stock of Lodgepole but I can't seem to buy a chainsaw...yet

Bernie Weishapl
07-09-2012, 10:52 PM
I definitely make a plea for a colorado turner. I would be concerned about shipping a beatle killed tree across state lines.