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View Full Version : Just to say thanks

Scott Coffelt
04-06-2005, 4:47 PM
I like to mosey around and see what other forums are up to and today I got to read somethings that were rather disturbing. A nasty thread started when someone iquired about a brand of product. A lot of bashing went on and then someone used their position to gather and post information. Now its not that the info was not neccessarily bad, but in this case not required.

I am glad that here one of the few rules is you use your full name. I see it does many things but mainly, we know who we are talking to, it's less likely that you will disrispect someone, cause you can't hide behind a fake user name.

Though I do get good info at other places, too often I see way too much non-productive activity and comments. Not the overall respect we have here.

So to that, I say thanks to leaders of this forum and to all of you.

Ken Fitzgerald
04-06-2005, 5:39 PM
Scott....I'm with you. In the past I visited a couple of other sites one of which I was a member. It seemed like a couple of people ran the roost and people and product bashings were the norm. I can't even log on to the one site any more...I can't remember my account info. It's amazing how this place maintains the respect for people and still products are reviewed with both the negatives and positives without being bashing. This is truly an amazing site and group of people and moderators!

Randy Moore
04-06-2005, 6:09 PM

I was in another forum and all they did was bash a box store and the tools they carried. Like Ken I forgot the login info and deleted them from my places to go. I am a lot happier here because we don't continuley bash something.

This is the best Woodworking foum that I have found. A great big thank you to everyone here.

Ken Kimbrell
04-06-2005, 7:24 PM
I’ve been hanging out and participating in forums for several years (mostly computer stuff) and have seen what can happen to a forum when the flame wars and bashing get started… it ain’t pretty!

In fact in one instance it turned into a total disaster and destroyed relationships that had lasted for years before the forum went into meltdown. So I know from first hand experience that a forum needs to be carefully managed and controlled in order for the regular membership to be able get along and to pursue in peace whatever the forum is about.

So… after deciding to get into a forum about woodworking I took my time and looked at several different ones for a while before settling on The Creek. What convinced me that The Creek was the right choice were the members and the way that everyone treats each other with respect. You can see all kinds of discussions going on about any number of woodworking topics and within the posts lots of opinions on all sides of an issue, but throughout all the posts & replies that I’ve read everyone remains civil to one another, even when they disagree about some point.

Most likely the use of regular names has a lot to do with it and having Moderators who do their work with tact and good diplomacy to go along with firm hand when needed are sure to impact this forum too.
But, I think one very large reason is the membership… seems like a nice bunch of folks to me.
I am glad to be here.:) <O:p</O:p


Brian Buckley
04-06-2005, 7:29 PM

Thank you for makeing this post. I also quit several of the other popular woodworking sites. I am very grateful for all of the information and the professionalism I receive from SMC.


Greg Mann
04-06-2005, 7:55 PM

I also happened upon that thread and my first reaction was, "That would never happen on the Creek." It is interesting to visit a forum now and then and run across a reference to the Creek. Those references are almost always complementary, about our demeanor and the relative competency of our members. The worst I can remember is a reference to us being 'a little boring'.

I sometimes visit an Aussie site. I enjoy their humor and creative use of their language, which is not English as we know it.:rolleyes: I also enjoy their tendencies to poke fun at each other, all in good jest, I believe. Of course, I don't know for sure since I do not understand the subleties of their language. In short, I consider it an Aussie version of the Creek, at least in terms of mutual respect and good will.

As some of you know, there is a Festool Owners group over on Yahoo. I have been very gratified to see the same mellow atmosphere there as is here.

Let's all keep up the great work!


Dennis McDonaugh
04-06-2005, 8:23 PM
I read that entire thread. There was some wrong on both sides, may some more wrong on one side than the other, but it was nothing that a little maturity, self control, and courtsey couldn't have taken care of. I too am glad it wouldn't have happened here.

Mark Singer
04-06-2005, 9:10 PM
I don't know the thread or even the forum....the reason is that I am quite happy here...terrific people...we don't always agree...but, we always are polite and seem to get along...this is The Place!

Mike Vermeil
04-06-2005, 9:15 PM
Every once in a while I visit WoodCentral, and usually enjoy it while I'm there. Ellis does a good job with it. But I only have enough time to stay in touch with one forum, and I seem to keep coming back to Sawmill Creek. I can't exactly explain why, I just feel comfortable here. :o

John Hart
04-06-2005, 9:36 PM
There are other forums?

Tom Pritchard
04-06-2005, 9:43 PM
Great post Scott! I couldn't agree with you more. Saw Mill Creek is the best forum on the internet, and I think we owe a big "thank you" to both the moderators who do such a great job, and the members, who continue to be supportive and respectful.

Mike Cutler
04-06-2005, 9:49 PM
I like it here. I also visit "Ellis Island" , but this is where I consider myself "connected".
When Keith started the forum, after Badger Pond (BP) dried up it was a relief. I had only been associated with BP for awhile but the experience was positive. When it was announced that it was closing I was pretty letdown. Keith stepped in and invited everyone to Sawmill Creek. A lot of the regulars came over which aided in the smooth transition, and of course we were very lucky that Ken Salisbury, and Dave Anderson threw in with us. There are more of course, but those are the two that stick out most in my opinion. I believe that this added alot of stability, and set the tone right off the bat .
The "rules" were established pretty early on and have remained essentially the same since then, some refinements have been necessary.
I don't always have a lot to post. I don't do woodworking for a living. It's a stress relief from the real job. If all my woodworking ever accomplishes is to make LOML happy and keep me sane, then the trip has been worth it.
This brings to me the reason that I stay. This board has members that are buying thier first tablesaws, and members that should be writing books on woodworking, and everyone is allowed to participate in a free exchange of ideas, and ask questions without risk of derision or condescension. Learning and teaching take place and everyone benefits, and that is the true value in my opinion, and the return on everyones "investment".
Way more than .02, but thanks Keith, thank you very much.

Corey Hallagan
04-06-2005, 11:30 PM
Thanks for the post Scott. I personally don't think users names matter much. It is management. Let them know you won't put up with a bunch of crap and they are gone and people seem to toe the line. I have been on the internet since about 1996 and a member of message boards for other hobbies of mine. In the beginning, most forum owners didn't want you to use your real name. I owned a forum for another hobby for about 4 years, it got alot of traffic as it was a product specific board that was supported by the manufacturer. Very few problems, let them know what you expect and follow through. My hats is off to the management of the boards here. I skim other boards once a week to see what is going on with tools etc. and to look for tool sales we might not find out about here, otherwise, I check in here a dozen or so times a day. I really like this place. It is to bad about the other place, it gets a bad rep and it deserves so, but it is only because a handful of posters don't care enough about the site owners to show a little consideration. Most of the posters are good people. It is a shame. I expect that place to shut down eventually as it is getting out of control... I have seen it a dozen times on boards, the owners loose controls, law suits and threats fly around and down it goes! I am comfortable that won't happen here. I have said it before, glad I found out about this place. Just feels comfortable, like being a member of a lodge or something...


Jeff Sudmeier
04-07-2005, 8:43 AM
I don't know what I can add here, but that I agree. I am pretty sure the "other" place was the first board that I found. I am glad that I did, because that place showed me SMC! :) Once I found SMC, I was done at the other place. I check out their classifieds simply becuase they are much more active. Other than that, no posts for me there.

Bob Hovde
04-07-2005, 9:00 AM

It may not matter to you that we use real names, but it matters to me. Although there is a lot of good technical woodworking information on other forums, this one is more like a woodworking club meeting - friends sharing information. That is in large part due, IMHO, to the use of real names, a picture to go along with it, and a location. These things make the discussions "real" rather than "cyber."


Kelly C. Hanna
04-07-2005, 9:05 AM
Personally, I like a bit of the 'other forum' from time to time. There's a much better knowledge base and more civil people here (and another forum I visit regularly) and I really appreciate both for the great people that have assembled here and there. That said, sometimes I enjoy the off kilter banter that goes on at the other forum. In fact it's the only large forum I enjoy....when most get to a certain level, they attract a ton of morons. I used to visit an El Camino site until it got full of the big wheel crowd....had to bail on that one sadly. I was a big help on that site until the idiots ruined it.

I have been on that other ww forum for what seems like forever. I have met a bunch of cool people through the site...some of which have become good friends and even good people to work with, one of which is Lamar Horton, who works with me now.

While there is a lot of crap going on in that forum (I've even considered dropping it off the rotation before), there's also a lot of good info. I feel that I can help a lot more there since it covers areas I have a lot of experience in. I learn more here though, that's for sure.

I prefer this and the other small forum by far, but I still dip into the big pool from time to time....at least when the water's not too full of....well you know.

Scott Coffelt
04-07-2005, 10:02 AM

I am with you. I like to vist a number of places too. I try to gleam as much info as I can. I think good info is good, regardless of where it is at. Just wanted to say thanks that I can have a place where men are men and women are women and they act like it.

I personally like the full names, it makes it more like a family and less like a place where you can hide behind a mask and pretty much act like a teenager at times. I didn't want to post any names of places cause if you visit it you know what I am refering to and if not, then you're not missing much at least on that particualr thread.

Anyway, Thanks again.