View Full Version : Antler Question

Jason Christenson
04-06-2005, 3:30 PM
A coworker who has a family of deerhunters has offered to bring me some antlers I can use for pen making. Is there any difference in procedure using antler versus wood? Any difference in the way you sand? Do you sand? Do you use a special kind of finish or any finish at all? Inquiring minds want to know!

Ron Ainge
04-06-2005, 4:00 PM
I have not used deer antler, but have made several pens out of elk antler and i would assume they are about the same. first I find a piece that I can bore through that will be long enough to put the brass tubes inside. I then drill them out and make sure the tubes will slide thrugh the holes drilled in the antlers, sometimes the drill will be off a little and the tubes will hang up a bit. Next i remove the tubes and apply thin CA glue to the insides of the antler, let the glue dry a couple of minuesa and run the drill down through the holes again to clean any dried glue that may obstruct the hole. next I apply medium CA glue to tubes and insurt them into the holes in the horn. let them set for a few minuets until the glue has set up and then use a pen mill to clean any glue out of the tubes as well as square the ends of the blanks. Mount the blanks on the mandrel and put the mandrel on the lathe. Turn the antlers as you would do wood except that as you turn away the outside of the antler you will get to the open viens of the horn. Check this to see if you need additional CA glue to stabalize the antler. I turn the antler to the form that I like then sand it about 400. I then use thick CA glue with my lathe running about 300 rpm and wipe it on one section of antler at a time until as I rub back and forth the glue feels smooth, I then do the other one. I leave this spinning on the lathe until the glue is dry. I sand it to 12000 with Micro Mesh and then turn the lathe up to about 2500 rpm and apply a coat of Qualasal (i think that is how it is spelled) and buff it to a high sheen. I then use Renaissance was to finish it. I hope this will help. The only thing you may want to consider before you start it that to cut and trun the antler it will smell just like hair burning.

Ed Scolforo
04-06-2005, 4:19 PM
Jason: Since the antler pieces are never straight it sometimes helps to sand a flat area on 2 opposing sides to help keep the antler from moving when you put it in your drill vise prior to drilling. Kinda eyeball the antler and position to try to cut straight thru to where you think you have enough material for that blank. I fill in softer areas with ca glue and usually use ca as a final finish. The antler takes a nice finish. My hunter friends really enjoy them.


Jeff Sudmeier
04-06-2005, 4:44 PM
The only tip I can give you is be prepared for the smell! It reaks of burnt hair...

Gary Max
04-06-2005, 8:31 PM
Maybe I can help.
I run the drill press at a high RPM.
Do not get the blanks HOT---they will crack.
Only drill a small amout of the antler at a time.
Wear a dust mask---antler can be very nasty stuff.
I cure antler just like wood---let it dry.
Here is a pic of some of my Antler pens.

Keith Nielsen
04-07-2005, 11:28 AM

Maybe I can add my two cents worth. I have turned a lot of antler. My favorite is black river buffalo. Deer antler does turn differently than Elk. It is not as marrowie it sands out better. it has more white tones when finished than red.
You can used curved parts but they have to be straight enough to drill a straight hole for the barrels. (It only has to be as long as the barrels)
I first turn it down until I'm with in 1/16th of being to the bushing. Then I use 80 grit until I'm within 1/32nd of the bushing I then take CA glue and rub it into the antler to stablize it I to this until the antler is well coated with it. I then start at 120 grit and work my way down to the bushing. Stop now and then to see if the ca has been sanded through if so add some more. The trick to it is end up with just enough CA on the pen to give you a good finish with out the antler or marrow accually being on the surface. once your to 1500 grit then use Hut friction polish. Oh as the others have said be aware of the stinking burning hair smell. and don't get any antler to hot when drilling it out.
Good luck