View Full Version : Second HF

Mike Cruz
06-29-2012, 5:23 PM
Well this is my second HF. The first wasn't really fit to be posted...it was more of an experiment anyway.

This one, while not perfect, is enough for me to be pleased with.

HF is cherry. 6" tall x 4" wide (4" is at shoulder which, whether it looks like it or not, is RIGHT at 2/3 of the total height). Walls are not particularly thin...about 3/16" past the beads. Beads are 3/8"...yeah, a little beefy, I know...looked good with the lines on it, but if I had it to do over again, I would have done them smaller. The beads are done by hand (obviously), I don't have beading tools...yet! Sanded down with Micro Mesh, 2 coats of Walnut Oil, and finished with Shellawax.

C&C welcome.

Roger Chandler
06-29-2012, 5:45 PM
I like it Mike............nice job on hand turned beads.........they look evenly spaced and sized.......not an easy thing! You ought to be proud.........this is a nice piece!

David DeCristoforo
06-29-2012, 6:28 PM
Well, whatever one might say about the size of the beads, I would be hard pressed to hand form two and have them be even close to the same size! There is inevitably going to be a reference to beehives somewhere along in here so I might as well make it now and get it out of the way. Another thing... having a 3/8" bead at the bottom edge very neatly slips around the "tuck or no tuck" question. And finally, my second HF looked surprisingly like a pile of shards...

Jerry Marcantel
06-29-2012, 6:57 PM
Mike, I didn't see that beehive DD mentioned, but what I saw was five pictures of a worm ready to launch. Look out!!
Seriously, it looks fine. Did you do the beads with a skew?? Nice job....... Jerry (in Tucson)

Billy Tallant
06-29-2012, 8:08 PM
Mike, that is a very nice HF. Very nice hand turned beads...

Mike Cruz
06-29-2012, 8:41 PM
Thanks, everyone. I'm glad to hear you guys like it, too. Of course, critiques are welcome...

Roger, the spacing, in my mind is easy...you put a flexible tape measure (like for sewing) on it, and mark it every 3/8" with a pencil. Turn on the lathe, and put your pencil tip on each mark. That lets you know exactly where to divide each bead. Again, I thought that was the easy way to do it...I'm sure there are other/easier ways...Thanks for your kudos, and yeah, I am proud of this one.

DD, my wife instantly called it the Honey Pot. I see it as nothing else now... As for the bead on the bottom, it worked out perfectly that the beads, at 3/8" spaced perfectly from bottom to top. And yeah, I thought about the tuck thing, and figured I skirted the issue... I'm glad this didn't blow up on me as your second one did. I had way too much time into it.

Jerry, I didn't see the worm...but now I do! As for how I did the beads, I used a very small pen turning bowl gouge, I did use a skew to get into and define the spaces between the beads.

Thank, Billy, I appreciate it.

charlie knighton
06-29-2012, 9:00 PM
very nice, i like the beads, sort of reminds me of the michelin man

Tom Winship
06-29-2012, 9:22 PM
"Honeycomb, honeycomb, oh my honeycomb." Did someone say somthing about beehives. Very nice Mike. I agree with others. I couldn't make two beads and have them close to the same width.

Baxter Smith
06-29-2012, 10:28 PM
Nice work on the HF shape and the beads Mike! A successful experiment!

Bernie Weishapl
06-29-2012, 11:14 PM
Really nice HF Mike and I do like the beading.

Jeff Myroup
06-29-2012, 11:18 PM
Very nice Mike. Great form, love the beads. I appreciate them being done by hand.

Jim Burr
06-30-2012, 12:01 AM
Super bead work dude!! Those are tough...little big, but real well done! Form is cool, you kept a sweet curve all the way up, not an easy trick! Big high 5!

Kathy Marshall
06-30-2012, 2:20 AM
Very nice Mike! Your beads look excellent, nice job!

Rick Markham
06-30-2012, 2:48 AM
I like it Mike! It looks like it should have a swarm of bees pouring out of it! Definitely a keeper.

Michelle Rich
06-30-2012, 7:21 AM
pretty good for 2

James Roberts
06-30-2012, 4:04 PM
He shoots, he scores! Nice job Mike. Any time I try to make beads like that I have trouble with the sizing, yours look great.

Mike Cruz
06-30-2012, 4:25 PM
Wow, we had a heck of a storm roll through last night. We lost power about 9pm. Hooked the generator up, so we've had power, but no internet. So, I just saw all the positive responses! I know I am happy with it. I just didn't realize ya'll would be as much so. Thanks for all your comments, kudos, and appreciation (for the hand done beads). This one will proudly be displayed here in the house. :p

Tim Rinehart
06-30-2012, 8:00 PM
No denying what a great job of beading without a beading tool. well done Mike!

Tony De Masi
07-01-2012, 10:21 AM
so what type of hollowing system do you use?

Mike Cruz
07-01-2012, 11:56 AM
Troublemaker!!!!!! See what happens when you give out your secrets? They just aren't left that way...

Okay, since you "asked" (though you already know the answer, and just want me to divulge...) I'll tell ya. Probably lucky for me that this is so late in the thread that no one will see it. Not to mention, if I make this a REALLY long post, no one will read the whole thing anyway, and the cat won't be out of the bag. Can I procrastinate any more? No? Okay, here ya go...

A bowl gouge. Yeah, a bowl gouge. But I cheated...:o I took two pieces that were held together with two way sticky tape, formed the outside, pulled them apart, then "hollowed" them individually as bowls, glued them back together, then trued up the outside, and beaded it. The hole is what it is, a hole. It is 1" in diameter. But could have been 3/8"!!!! I didn't "need" to get inside. The advantage of the 1" hole was that I could get my finger inside to sand and finish it. So, for at least an inch or more inside, it is sanded and finished. Happy, now, Tony? ;) :p