View Full Version : Dollhouse Kitchen sink toy

Lloyd James
06-29-2012, 4:49 PM
I havn't post that much in the past, but I can't resist finally to show some of my toy designs.
This a Kitchen Sink, dollhouse size 4 1/2" long x 1 11/16 x 2" height. It is called Suzy Sink.
The brass nozzle is not easy to make. There is a 1/8 Dia. rod with a interference fit with the 5/16" dia.
brass rod. You have to heat the 5/16 rod to 350+ degree and tapped the smaller rod at an angle.
I made a transparent label on the bottom with my name, type of wood (this one is African Paduct),
and name of the sink. I usually hand sketch a toy, then go to autocad to refine my design and come
up with a dimentions. I originally do not try to pick a size ratio. I just make the size to have a nice look to
the toys. I have made a stove/counter top, eliptical rocking chair, baby cradle (dollhouse), and army tank.
I am currently designing a skid loader (Bobcat) with wooden tires to look like the ones on Earth moving
equipment. I'll will show these toys at a later date.

Bruce Page
06-29-2012, 5:05 PM
That's really cute Lloyd. I bet you'll be making more dollhouse furniture!

Van Huskey
06-29-2012, 5:12 PM
Thats very cool! Show us more when you get a chance.

Mike Heidrick
06-29-2012, 5:18 PM
Nice. Do the doors open? Any plumbing underneath ;) ?

John Hays
06-29-2012, 5:37 PM
That sink turned out nice!

I love small scale work (must be the modeler in me) and always get a kick out of seeing stuff like this. And I'm glad you gave us a rundown of how it was made instead of just throwing out a few pics and saying 'Look at what I can do!' Kudos to you, sir. :)

Waiting to see your future projects, so keep up the excellent work!

Lloyd James
06-29-2012, 9:23 PM
Thankyou for your nice comments. The doors do not open. I like making 10 or more for some children of my friends,
and I have given some away to my neighbors children.
I would make the toy more complicated if I was only going to make 1-3 toys.
I thought about drilling 2 holes so water could drain out the back. Children are suppose to pretend play. :)
PS I do have 3 toys on Ebay right now, for about a month, but no sales yet.
I have the Suzy Sink, Stove, and a Army tank for buy it now price. I am going to try Etsy next.

Mike Heidrick
06-29-2012, 10:49 PM
If you want to sell them target 12" dolls in size.

John Hays
06-30-2012, 7:52 PM
Mike is correct.

I know of quite a few G.I. Joe collectors who would eat that stuff up if it were in 1:6 scale. Yeah, it may sound weird, but they do a lot of 'civilian-type' dioramas and actually look for domestic items (such as what you make) to put in their collection.

It's worth a shot anyway. ;)