View Full Version : 2 Finishing Questions

Steve Doerr
06-28-2012, 5:55 PM
Been a viewer for awhile and decided to get some expert advise--I have two finishing questions--one for CA and one for WTF:

1) I'm going to be putting some laser engraving on some pens soon and want to know if I can do the engraving after I put the CA finish on my pens or if I need to do the laser engraving first.

2) On my bowls and HF I've been using a dip of three oils, letting it dry and then Beall buff system. I've been looking at WTF and wondering how you have been applying it. Do you use it as a dip, wipe on or spray? Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Mike Cruz
06-28-2012, 6:17 PM
I can be no help for question #1, so I'll just skip over it...

WTF is best applied very thin. I've heard you can spray it, but have no experience there. When you apply it (not spraying), the key is VERY thin coats with a paper towel. Put on 3-4 coats, then sand down with fine grit (1500 or so). Lather, rinse, repeat...lather rinse repeat. I usually get 7-12 coats on. Others, like Keeton, do more, but also get an absolutely amazing finish. The beauty of WTF, is that, with low humidiy, you can put on a subsiquent coat as fast as you can apply it. So, 4 coats can take 15 minutes. Again, though, VERY thin coats. Glob it on and you'll get streaks and will not be happy with the results. It is NOT like an oil based poly that will even out...

Jon Behnke
06-28-2012, 8:58 PM
I can help with question #1. I always have my pens engraved after applying CA finish. If you engrave first you would have to fill in the engraving with CA, that would take many, many coats.

Bernie Weishapl
06-28-2012, 10:09 PM
As for question one I put CA finish on first. As to #2 I put on thin coats. Most time I put on 6 coats then sand smooth with 1000 grit. Then apply 4 more coats then sand again. The final two coats are not sanded and don't use steel wool on it.

cal thelen
06-28-2012, 10:23 PM
Add one to the CA finish before engraving. as for the WTF I do about the same as Bernie thin coats, sand, some more thin coats sand again then a few final coats till i like the way it looks. love the WTF.

Steve Doerr
06-29-2012, 3:14 PM
Thanks for the responses. I was thinking the same thing for the CA. I just didn't want the laser to melt the CA finish.

As far as the WTF, what are you using as your applicator?
