View Full Version : AWOL??? - Not really!

John Keeton
06-27-2012, 3:02 PM
I received a couple of inquiries about my conspicuous absence from the creek - and particularly expressing concerns about my health. I appreciate very much those concerns, and thought it might be appropriate to comment.

As you all now know, Kathy Marshall is one of our new moderators, recruited at my request, as I really want to curtail further my online activities. While I have been checking in a couple times a day, or more, my intent is to pull back – a lot. As some of you know, several months ago, I quit visiting other sites entirely.

When I started turning in October 2009, my retirement plans included building furniture – both for family and on commission. As has been noted (repeatedly, actually!:rolleyes:), my purchase of a lathe was to turn legs for the furniture.

Well, life and the good Lord have a way of developing other plans, and woodturning is now my passion. I have been very blessed – in many ways, but particularly with the rapidity with which turning has enveloped me. My work is in several galleries, and I was most recently contacted by another that wants 20 pieces for a two month featured artist exhibit and they want me to do a weekend workshop later this fall.

Fortunately, or unfortunately depending on one’s perspective, I have only 7 pieces in my possession. The exhibit starts July 13, and I have been working feverishly to complete at least 7 more. That won’t be the 20 they want, but the director indicated she would take what she could get. This gallery is reported to produce good sales, and while my work is much different from what they have, the director is excited about the possibilities. That means I am, too!

When this all started, I had no idea I would be where I am today with it. I will be 64 this year. About a year ago, I decided that at 66 I would retire from practicing law and until then, I would concentrate on refining my turning and trying to develop markets for my art. I also need to work on my website, and just generally, be free of some other time sinks so that I can take a refreshed approach to my turning – and life itself. Having had a close brush with death changes one’s perspective in a major way!

I enjoy the participation here on the creek, and I intend to continue with some Moderator functions – including editing David D’s occasional expletive that he slips in just to see if I am watching!;) With Kathy, Steve, Ken and Dennis, I have no doubt this rowdy crowd can be controlled!:D

There are a bunch of other creekers that do marvelous work so there will be no shortage of postings. I will be around, but just not very visible! So, there you have it - I am alive and well!

Chris Studley
06-27-2012, 3:08 PM
Good to hear from you, and good luck w/ the exhibit. I'm sure we all at least expect an update(+Pics) when you get set up @ the gallery.

ray hampton
06-27-2012, 3:19 PM
I agree with Chris + more pixs

David DeCristoforo
06-27-2012, 3:25 PM
Expletives you say? Profanity? Can't use profanity here. But I just did... twice!

Steve Busey
06-27-2012, 3:33 PM
Glad to hear you're busy making sawdust (and just as quickly sweeping it up! :p ). We'll miss your comments, but you're right, there's a world class group here ready to take up the slack. Have fun!

Tim Rinehart
06-27-2012, 3:34 PM
While we will miss your frequent and candid replies, not to mention all the eye candy you post for us, I think we all can certainly appreciate your wanting to get some priorities in line with current demands.
Best of success with the upcoming exhibit. Just be sure to check in every so often to say 'hi'.

Scott Hackler
06-27-2012, 3:56 PM
I was certainly glad to know it wasn't health related. Sounds like "professional" turner can be added to the resume! Good luck in your showings and don't be a stranger. I enjoy your work, friendship and critiques.

Roger Chandler
06-27-2012, 3:58 PM
Well, I guess I'm okay with JK doing this gallery thing :rolleyes: as long as he keeps posting his new projects for our eyeballs to pop at! Looking forward to your work counselor! ;)

Brian Libby
06-27-2012, 6:05 PM
John, glad to hear all is well. A near death issue can change one's perspective (been there!)
Best of luck in your future endeavors.

Doug W Swanson
06-27-2012, 7:07 PM
Since I haven't been around much lately I didn't noticed you were missing! :D

I'm glad things are going well for you. I'm so busy driving my kids to all of their summer activities (baseball, softball, orchestra, summer camps etc) I often forget what day of the week it is!

Maybe you should retire from the law stuff and focus on your turning now!

charlie knighton
06-27-2012, 7:44 PM
hope to bump into ya down the road, John, tampa maybe, enjoy

Alan Trout
06-27-2012, 9:31 PM
Congratulations and it sounds like you are busy in a good way. I am glad to see you taking time for yourself. I hope to be there in the next 20 or so years.


Rick Markham
06-27-2012, 9:56 PM
Allways a good thing! Enjoy the turning time, and you better hurry up and enjoy it... those 7 pieces aren't gonna finish themselves! :D See ya the next time you pop up! ;)

Bernie Weishapl
06-27-2012, 10:02 PM
Congrats on the gallery John. I was concerned as I hadn't seen you on here lately. Glad to hear it is turning related. Don't be a stranger John. I always love to see your turnings and hear what's happening. Mary Ann says to tell the wife hello.

Baxter Smith
06-28-2012, 1:50 PM
John, thanks for all you have contributed and enjoy your "extra time". Turning or otherwise!

Bill Wyko
06-28-2012, 2:15 PM
John, you're a valued member here. Just be sure you don't become a stranger. we really enjoy your input & critique skills. Be sure to at least post the pieces you're making for the gallery. The very best of luck in your endeavours. God bless.

Todd Bin
06-28-2012, 3:54 PM
John, I'm glad to hear things are going well. I always log in expecting to see some pictures of your next great piece. I will miss that.

Steve Schlumpf
06-28-2012, 4:20 PM
John - I know you will have your plate full for the next few months. Take care of business, enjoy the gallery experience and keep checking in whenever you have the time!!

Mike Cruz
06-28-2012, 6:22 PM
Whatever... I think John just doesn't love us anymore... :rolleyes: :D

Russell Eaton
06-28-2012, 8:19 PM
We are glad your health is good. Take care of business and we will see you around.

Sid Matheny
06-28-2012, 11:11 PM
Sure glad you posted this and let us know what is going on. I too was getting worried not seeing your normal amount of posts and threads.


Barry Elder
06-29-2012, 7:43 AM
Good for you, John!

Tom Winship
06-29-2012, 8:22 AM
John, you deserve it. You have been a great help and inspiration to me personally. Each time I think I will never get there, I remember how short a period you have been turning. Your replacement (Kathy Marshall) also is short tenured so she fits right in. My all your future roads be a little more downhill.

Jeff Nicol
06-29-2012, 8:54 AM
John, You are always in the shadows keeping a watch on the turning masses, we have all gained from watching you grow as a turner, we know you will continue to explore and grow into new realms of turning.

Have fun,


Allan Ferguson
07-01-2012, 6:24 PM
I will miss you here as well. I hope that I may have the and take the opportunity to visit you again some day. Take care, may life treat you well.

Lee Koepke
07-01-2012, 9:17 PM
I am also in the camp of those that will miss your comments / critiques / input. Its one of the ways that I have learned a little here and there to improve my forms, shapes and ideas.

Awfully proud to see you taking the opportunity to share your creations with the world, its a great opportunity for you! Thanks for all you have done here!

Denny Rice
07-02-2012, 11:51 PM
I have to say I am in the boat with a lot of other guys here that are going to miss your daily posts and comments. It sounds like something great is happening in your life and I hope everything goes well. Please don't be a stranger.

Ed Morgano
07-03-2012, 2:32 PM
I'd like to wish you the best and say thank you for everything. You have been a great help and inspiration to me since I started down the vortex.
Thanks John!

James Combs
07-03-2012, 8:47 PM
Congrats John on the "over exposure" couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

Tom Hamilton
07-03-2012, 9:00 PM
John, thank you for the effort you made to contribute to the woodturning community. Making 14,000+ posts takes time and we all only have 24 hours each day. I have benefited from your commentary, critiques and general good spirit.

I wish you all the best in your new endeavors.

Blessings, Tom

Tom Hamilton