View Full Version : Generosity - Thank you to Steve Bellinger and Jim Burr

Jeff Yates
06-25-2012, 11:32 AM
I returned to the office this morning and found two USPS boxes on my desk...

Early last week I mentioned I was looking for some place to purchase wood in bottle stopper blank sizes to practice on, and these two gentlemen stepped up and said they would just send me some practice wood...

I'm not really accustom to that kind of generosity from strangers, but wow...the way they came through...

To both of you, thank you sirs...I'm rather speechless at your gifts, I hope to return the favor some day...

Jim Burr
06-25-2012, 3:33 PM
Last time anyone called me sir was 1999...and my future son-in-law! It's is always a pleasure Jeff so...go make something...have tons of fun and post what you make!

Jeff Yates
06-25-2012, 3:35 PM

Well my daddy taught me men are sirs, women are ma'ams.

Just kinda the way it is with me...

But I expect I'll have some pictures up in the next few days...

Steve Schlumpf
06-25-2012, 5:06 PM
Congrats on the wood! Looking forward to seeing what you turn out of it! BIG thumbs up to Steve and Jim!

Bernie Weishapl
06-25-2012, 8:29 PM
Congrats on the wood. Creekers are just generous souls.

Kathy Marshall
06-25-2012, 9:14 PM
Congrats on the wood! Look forward to seeing some pics! Ditto on Creekers being generous souls.

Steve Mawson
06-25-2012, 10:34 PM
Totally agree on Creekers being generous, kind of runs in the turning vortex I do believe. Seems to happen with some regularity around here. Don't forget we like pictures of what you make.:cool:

Steve bellinger
06-26-2012, 7:15 AM
Well Jeff as i said in the pm, i'm on vacation up here in PA. So don't get a lot of puter time, but glad ya got you boxes .Have fun with them and like has been said, looking foward to some pics.:)