View Full Version : Raised Panel Router on MDF: What RPM?

John Viercinski
06-25-2012, 9:26 AM
Hey guys, been a while. In the middle of a raised panel wainscoting project at the moment. Just bought a new Bosch router (2-1/4 hp) with a variable rpm setting. Wondering what is the recommended or preferred rpm for routing a raised panel profile in 3/4" thick MDF. The bit diameter is large, probably 3.5." Had to pickup a new router since my older PC 690LR just bit it while routing these (sounded like the bearings were going). Was doing this project in two+ passes.

What's your experience?

Todd Burch
06-25-2012, 9:40 AM
You need a fixed router table and a slow speed with that big a bit. Save your last past to take off just a slight amount of stock - any chatter front previous <hogging> passes will be taken off.

pat warner
06-25-2012, 9:53 AM
"preferred rpm for routing a raised panel profile in 3/4" thick MDF"
MDF pretty insensitive to router RPM. Maybe cut ~18-20K.
It cuts the same (& without much ado) whether the cutter is going north, south, east or west.
For a cut as wide as yours (1.3"?), however, and using a router table of course, I'd take the
cut at full depth in 3-4 fence changes. Duck for cover, if you don't have good chip/duct collection.

Carl Beckett
06-25-2012, 10:09 AM
My experience with MDF is that its pretty insensitive to depth of cut, feed rates, etc.

Additional questions you might consider are:

1) Dust


2) Safety of turning a large dia bit in a handheld router (without speed control on the RPM)

frank shic
06-25-2012, 10:14 AM
mdf dust is unbelievably sticky and there's a TON of it. make sure you have extremely good dust collection as carl mentioned. i would never try raising a panel with a hand held router especially after my accident a few weeks ago...

Todd Burch
06-25-2012, 10:15 AM
The point to make here is, while MDF could give a hoot how it is cut, you don't swing that large of a router bit willy nilly as fast as you want.

John Viercinski
06-25-2012, 10:52 AM
Thanks for the tips guys. I am using a router table with a dust collector. Just built one last week. I'm also planning on continuing these cuts outdoors for air quality reasons.


frank shic
06-25-2012, 8:42 PM
cover up the car and anything else you don't want to dust off afterwards. mdf paints marvelously.