View Full Version : And These Are For???

Baxter Smith
06-24-2012, 10:55 PM
After all the artistic inspiration seen at the AAW symposium, this is the best I could come up with?

Someone needed a pair, and this is about as close to a matching anything as I could get!;)

These don’t often get posted, so if you care to take a guess(and show your age:D).....go for it!

Prizes will not be awarded for correct answers.:)

Kathy Marshall
06-24-2012, 11:02 PM
Nice matching pair of something. I can honestly say I don't have a clue what they are for, but obviously the original had a run in with a fire.

Sid Matheny
06-24-2012, 11:40 PM
Paper holders for an out house!:D


Marty Eargle
06-24-2012, 11:44 PM
I'm guessing either a kind of door handle or jump rope holders for someone with big hands.

Eric Gourieux
06-25-2012, 12:33 AM
My first thought is loom carriages, or whatever thy are called.

Tim Chase
06-25-2012, 2:49 AM
Those have to be heads for croquet mallets! Nice looking pair.

Baxter Smith
06-25-2012, 7:31 AM
..... the original had a run in with a fire.
Not a fire Kathy.......it was something you don't have that much of.

.... jump rope holders for someone with big hands.
No, but they will give you a workout Marty!

Paper holders for an out house!:DSid
Great imagination Sid!

My first thought is loom carriages, or whatever thy are called.
I can see the resemblance Eric, but not!

Those have to be heads for croquet mallets! Nice looking pair.
They would make some good ones given their weight Tim and the look would be about right......until you stuck the handle in......not that it takes one....right there at least!;)

Nice tries but the nonexistent prizes are still safe.

Mike Cruz
06-25-2012, 8:32 AM
Cork screw handles?

Roland Martin
06-25-2012, 8:35 AM
Hmm, too fancy for the old leather belt tensioners:confused: Whatever they may be, you did a fine job matching the pair! Damn, now I'm gonna be thinking of this all day, I could really use that nonexistent prize;)

Tom Winship
06-25-2012, 8:38 AM
Are they rollers(ringers) for ringing water out of something? Or for squeezing juice out of something? Obviously, the grooves have a purpose.

Jim Underwood
06-25-2012, 8:41 AM
Look sorta like bobbins.

Mike Cruz
06-25-2012, 8:56 AM
I take back my guess at cork screw handles... I just looked at the pics again and unless you were making these for Andre The Giant, they are WAY too big for that.

Also, I just noticed the hole in the bottom of the one on your headstock. So, either it is a handle for something, or if that hole goes all the way through, you might feed some sort of rope or cord through it.

My guess? At this point, I don't have one. I'll keep thinking about it...

Jim Burr
06-25-2012, 9:31 AM
Jump rope handles or a rain gauge. I need more coffee!

Baxter Smith
06-25-2012, 9:34 AM
Cork screw handles?
You must drink the BIG bottles Mike!:D

......., too fancy for the old leather belt tensioners........
They are just a copy, but fancier than ones made for the same purpose today Roland! ;)

....Obviously, the grooves have a purpose.
Maybe.......Not sure to be honest Tom since I haven't seen them installed!:)

Look sorta like bobbins.
Sorta.....but not Jim.

........Also, I just noticed the hole in the bottom of the one on your headstock. ....... that hole goes all the way through.......
Now you are getting somewhere Mike!

Nathan Hawkes
06-25-2012, 9:37 AM
Because of the hint you gave Kathy, I can tell the staining of the original piece came from water. It has something to do with boats, and or fishing. I'm guessing that you would put a rope through the middle, but what sort of line or rigging is beyond me. I want to imagine it as part of a sailboat, keeping two ropes from rubbing together or something, or an anchor line, something like that. ????? Part of a wooden capstan winch?

Chris Studley
06-25-2012, 9:40 AM
Some sort of Yarn holder/dispenser that installs on some sort of peg?

Todd Burch
06-25-2012, 9:46 AM
Floats for a rope in the water?

charlie knighton
06-25-2012, 9:55 AM
if handle knob on ends installed, could be a rolling pin for biscits

Roland Martin
06-25-2012, 10:18 AM
Boat trailer rollers?

Roger Myers
06-25-2012, 10:27 AM
Looks like rollers for a walk behind reel type lawn mower.

Marty Eargle
06-25-2012, 11:18 AM
Now I do see it. The business end of a croquet mallet.

CW McClellan
06-25-2012, 11:20 AM
Does it go on an old Spinning machine ?

Todd Burch
06-25-2012, 11:26 AM
Looks like rollers for a walk behind reel type lawn mower.

Excellent guess Roger.

CW McClellan
06-25-2012, 11:39 AM
Some of the first water ski tow ropes had wooden handles just a guess

Jeff Yates
06-25-2012, 11:49 AM
Is that a foot massager?

If not, it's beyond me...*laugh*

Prashun Patel
06-25-2012, 11:56 AM
Jumprope handles.

David DeCristoforo
06-25-2012, 12:23 PM
Way too fat for jump rope or tow rope handles. Hole goes the wrong way for croquet mallet heads. Beads preclude any kind of rolling pin or wringers. I'm going with giant numchucks...

curtis rosche
06-25-2012, 2:07 PM
roling pin?

ray hampton
06-25-2012, 2:37 PM
finger-splint ?

kevin nee
06-25-2012, 3:22 PM
Are the some sort of spacer to keep knob & tube wires apart?

John Coloccia
06-25-2012, 3:40 PM
To me is looks like a handle that would go on the crank to a well or an old washing machine. It took some force to move those and a larger handle was more comfortable.

Faust M. Ruggiero
06-25-2012, 4:18 PM
And to think, some people have to spend money to have fun. This is great!!! Baxter, I can only say when you tell us the answer, I hope it is good.

Kevin Bourque
06-25-2012, 4:26 PM
Forest rangers and game preserve employees use these things all the time.
They wear them on their belt or sometimes around their neck.
If they are attacked by a wild Grizzly or a crazed leopard or some animal thats a soulless man killer like that,
they grab one of these wooden things and force it sideways into the animals mouth,
preventing them from biting down on the persons arm or leg.

Then they make their escape.

Steve Kennedy
06-25-2012, 4:42 PM
Just a guess. Clothes line spreader?

David DeCristoforo
06-25-2012, 4:42 PM
"...If they are attacked by a wild Grizzly...they grab one of these wooden things ..."

I knew that. And the hole through the center? So the ranger can pull the bear's tongue through the hole preventing the bear from spitting it out while the he makes his escape.

Steve Vaughan
06-25-2012, 4:54 PM
Clearly, these are suitcase handles from way back when.

Mike Cruz
06-25-2012, 5:00 PM
Baxter, Baxter, Baxter...did you switch up photos on us? I just noticed that next to the one sitting on the headstock is a 1/2 a whatchamajig that is burnt. I never saw that there before... Okay, so I'm going with some sort of fire poker or marshmallow/hot dog roasting rod. OR even some sort of handle for another type of fire poker for a glass blower or iron smith.

Kevin Bourque
06-25-2012, 5:05 PM
"...If they are attacked by a wild Grizzly...they grab one of these wooden things ..."

I knew that. And the hole through the center? So the ranger can pull the bear's tongue through the hole preventing the bear from spitting it out while the he makes his escape.

No, silly! Thats where the lanyard goes through so you can hang it around your neck!

Baxter Smith
06-25-2012, 5:39 PM
if handle knob on ends installed, could be a rolling pin for biscits
Interesting thought Charlie; and to think my grandmother, mother and :o, went to the extra step of pressing down on the top of each one with a fork for a little decoration!

........ I'm going with giant numchucks...
Given the density of osage, they would be extremely effective David!:) DAMHIKT:o

........ It took some force to move those .......
It takes some force to move these too John!

....they grab one of these wooden things and force it sideways into the animals mouth...
That is original!

Excellent guess Roger.
Excellent it was Todd!

Looks like rollers for a walk behind reel type lawn mower.
Leave it to someone with a knowledge of Period Furniture to come up with the answer!

Roger, the fame, recognition, and personal satisfaction you have now earned, are worth far more than a nonexistent prize!:D

At Christmas, my brother inlaw handed me half a roller and asked if I could make a couple.
They had been cleaning under their church camps meeting house in the fall and pulled out a push reel mower. Apparently, the metal and paint is in great condition but the wood on the ground hadn't fared so well. My nephew does the grasscutting at the camp during the summers and can't wait to put it into use.:rolleyes: I played with my grandfathers and that was enough! :)

Checked out some push reels at the hardware store today...only smooth black plastic rollers....not much class there!;)

Thanks for your unrewarded participation!

06-25-2012, 7:57 PM

Kevin Bourque
06-25-2012, 8:31 PM
Okay, so you're cutting the lawn and a leopard attacks you....

Jay Jolliffe
06-25-2012, 8:42 PM
Croquet mallet heads....

David DeCristoforo
06-25-2012, 8:45 PM
Lawnmower rollers??? That's it? I am disappointed...

ray hampton
06-25-2012, 9:29 PM
Lawnmower rollers??? That's it? I am disappointed...

HEY , it is a very green machine

Roger Myers
06-25-2012, 10:52 PM
Wow.... I just want to thank the academy, and my agent of course...and Baxter.....oh gosh, the music is playing and there are still so many people to thank.... :)

Actually, I had to turn a replacement roller like this about 25 years ago.... As soon as I saw the picture, I had this awful flashback!

Great fun....


Bart Leetch
06-26-2012, 9:04 PM
Like I always say I'll get around to cutting the grass when I get some new roundtoit's

Jeff Fagen
06-26-2012, 11:36 PM
The old service stations had a metal wash tub with a set of wooden wringers to run shop rags through.There was a crank with gears to drive the wringers.,???;)