View Full Version : "Almost Gone"

Scott Hackler
06-24-2012, 10:26 PM
Here is the 5th piece I have made this year. After healing up from carpal tunnel surgery, other projects have limited my turning time.

Last year I scored a large amount of spalted box elder and I recenty discovered that most of what is left is ....well.. gone to rot. This piece was titled "Almost Gone" and I was able to salvage it. It was very punky in some spots so after turning to shape the entire piece was drenched in CA glue! The outside ended up OK, but the inside is pretty rough. When it started shaking on the nub left on the bottom, it was declared done on the lathe.

Finished with 3 coarts of Tung Oil, beal buffed and Ren Wax.

3 1/2" wide and 7" tall.

Comments and Critiques are always welcome, thanks.


Baxter Smith
06-24-2012, 10:41 PM
Simple yet elegant Scott! Reminds me of the tuck or no tuck thread. The finial is tall but its pretty cool!

Kathy Marshall
06-24-2012, 11:15 PM
Very nice Scott.

Bernie Weishapl
06-24-2012, 11:53 PM
Beautiful Scott.

Tim Chase
06-25-2012, 2:56 AM
Very nice form Scott oh by the way what type of wood is the finial ?

Norm Zax
06-25-2012, 4:41 AM
Elegant form and deadly syringe.

Tim Rinehart
06-25-2012, 7:40 AM
Scott...I know the feeling (both of post-carpal tunnel surgery) and not getting as much time in the shop due to other projects...so good to see you squeaked in some time.
Beautiful spalting and of course, I would recognize the signature Hackler finial a mile away. It is tall, but doesn't look out of place on this.

Fred Belknap
06-25-2012, 7:41 AM
Nice but doubt you can get it through air port security.:cool:

Jim Burr
06-25-2012, 8:04 AM
See...I could have stabilized that for you:(! Great form to get back into shape with...I saw a finial like that once, it was a dental pick;). You sure got thin on that one!

Doug W Swanson
06-25-2012, 8:09 AM
Great form, Scott! I'm not big on finials but you sure did a nice job on this one. I like it!

Jeff Myroup
06-25-2012, 8:20 AM
Looks great Scott. I really like the finial

Mike Cruz
06-25-2012, 8:23 AM
As someone that has recently turned something that was punky, punky, punky... I say...VERY nice job. While I turned my okay, I didn't do that crucial next step that you did...stabilizing the punky wood. So, when I went to sand it, the punky areas sanded faster than the non punky areas, and before long, it was out of round and otherwise shot. Great job on the save. And beautiful piece of wood!

charlie knighton
06-25-2012, 10:00 AM
very nice Scott, glad to see you turning again

Scott Hackler
06-25-2012, 10:07 AM
Thanks for the kind words, everybody!

David DeCristoforo
06-25-2012, 12:24 PM
Good to see you posting pieces again. It's not easy to come up with an "original" finial design but you have done just that. I know the "rules" would dictate a shorter final but I never liked rules much and the taller finials you have used on these forms works for me. This form seems a bit "blunt" on the base compared to some of the others you have done but there seems to be at least several schools of thought on that. Personally I prefer some of the earlier pieces that have a smaller and less abrupt footprint. But that is a small nit to pick and this is immediately recognizable as your work.

Scott Hackler
06-25-2012, 12:49 PM
Thanks David. I will admit that this piece DOESN'T have the base I wanted. I too favor the smaller turned in base. But it started doing the hula on the lathe and I decided that I better not "push it"!

Jim Silva
06-25-2012, 5:58 PM
Liked it on the AAW site and like it here for the same reasons! lol

As someone else who doesn't know when to throw lousy wood away I'm glad you made this one work. Love the finial.
How's the hand? I'm gonna try mine out tonite. (Same surgery, got the stitches out Thursday. Feels nice to work without pain I bet!)


Scott Hackler
06-25-2012, 6:07 PM
Thanks Jim,

The hand is a lot better now, although my healing time took forever. I think I pushed it to early and it didn't get a good chance to heal. But no more hand falling asleep!

Alan Trout
06-25-2012, 6:09 PM

I really like the form and the finial. I know how bases go and they don't always turn out like you want. I would have like to see this one tucked just a bit but overall a wonderful effort.


John M. Smith
06-25-2012, 8:04 PM
I really like the form. It flows very nicely from top to bottom. The finial also is great. How thin is it ?

Ronald Campbell
06-25-2012, 8:40 PM
Scott love the shape and the finial. Great job on a punk wood. Did you glue the top, no one could see the punk

Joe Meirhaeghe
06-25-2012, 9:11 PM
Scott, glad to see you back in the saddle so to speak. Over all Nice piece, well worth the time. ( in reference to the bottom ) I think we've all had pieces that don't turn out exactly as planned. However we have to work with what we have to work with,and that many times dictates what we do with what we have. There's always the hope that the next one will be just right.

Scott Hackler
06-25-2012, 10:05 PM
I really like the form. It flows very nicely from top to bottom. The finial also is great. How thin is it ?

At it's thinnest section it's a hair thinner than 1/16", thanks!

Scott love the shape and the finial. Great job on a punk wood. Did you glue the top, no one could see the punk

HA! I didn't think about glueing on the finial! I won't do it, just because .... but that would keep the inside a "secret". It's not horrible, just not smooth. Too much tear out and such from wood that should have been tossed!

Scott, glad to see you back in the saddle so to speak. Over all Nice piece, well worth the time. ( in reference to the bottom ) I think we've all had pieces that don't turn out exactly as planned. However we have to work with what we have to work with,and that many times dictates what we do with what we have. There's always the hope that the next one will be just right.

I hear ya. Believe me, if the darn thing didn't start going squirrely of the waste nub, the bottom would have gottom tucked! Since I turn at a rather fast speed the missles tend to make me nervous! Thanks!

Scott Hackler
06-25-2012, 10:06 PM
Oh, and BTW.... I finally figured out how to EASILY to a muli-quote reply! I have been cut and pasting for the last several years.. :)

Joe Meirhaeghe
06-25-2012, 10:17 PM
Oh, and BTW.... I finally figured out how to EASILY to a muli-quote reply! I have been cut and pasting for the last several years.. :)

Care to share this knowledge ?

Scott Hackler
06-25-2012, 10:21 PM
lol! below everyone's posts right beside "Reply With Quote", there is a little icon on the right side it. Select that button on every post you want to quote. Then hit the big "Reply to Thread" on the lower left and just type in between the quoted text.

Did that make sense?

Joe Meirhaeghe
06-25-2012, 10:29 PM
lol! below everyone's posts right beside "Reply With Quote", there is a little icon on the right side it. Select that button on every post you want to quote. Then hit the big "Reply to Thread" on the lower left and just type in between the quoted text.

Did that make sense?

Thanks Scott, I did not know that.

Scott Hackler
06-25-2012, 11:03 PM
Me neither, until tonight! :)