View Full Version : Japanese plane blade

Sean D Evans
06-22-2012, 8:44 PM
What do you do with a Japanese blade when it has been sharpened back to the hollows on the underside? Is it done at that point?

David Weaver
06-22-2012, 9:36 PM
Tap it out. Look up the process online. "tapping out japanese plane iron"

Read one twice before you do it, it's important to support the iron and hammer up in the soft backing iron.

Derek Cohen
06-23-2012, 8:25 AM
Nah .. done, completely ... send it to David to dispose of.

Is this a chisel? If so, just lap the back a little. The hollow is actually very shallow. Should not take much work.

For a plane blade, as David suggests, it is traditional to tap it out.

Regards from Perth


David Weaver
06-23-2012, 9:04 AM
Good point, Derek. I should've asked if it was a chisel or plane iron. I would also lap a chisel, and tap out a plane iron.

Sean D Evans
06-23-2012, 7:43 PM
It's a plane blade. Thanks for the tip.