View Full Version : Another Saw Stop Question

Charlie Kocourek
04-05-2005, 12:50 PM
Tyler encouraged me to join this group a while back and I finally wanted to post something so here I am. Anyway, I am on the waiting list for a Saw Stop. Occassionally when cutting something I will cut through a pin or a small brad that is buried in the wood. Will something like that trigger the safety mechanism?

Lee Schierer
04-05-2005, 12:55 PM
From the information Iread, nails, wet wood, etc are not suposed to trigger the stop. You can check witht he manufacturer to be certain. However, you aren't doing your blades any favors by cutting steel brads and pins with the blade. It would be best to cut only wood with your saw.

Per Swenson
04-05-2005, 4:09 PM
I don't think metal and any saw are a good idea.
That is why I suggest one of these......

Wizard Detectors 25506 Lumber Wizard III Metal Detector

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Hope this helps.