View Full Version : Working barss and not taking all day

Matthew N. Masail
06-22-2012, 12:05 PM
I'm working a brass cross-pin for a wooden jointer, it's 10mm diamiter and I want to file a flat groove in it to about half way depth. I already accomplished it with a 6mm pin (lapping it the last bit) and it worked out great, but It will take
me forever to file out the 10mm pin using to file I have. I was wondering if a good mill bastard or some other type of file can be effctive removing so much material? perhaps some other way? I don't have a router table and I'd prefer hand tools -
if there is somthing coarse and fast enough. I plan to make many more pins so I really need a way to make it move along.

Jim Koepke
06-22-2012, 1:14 PM
Is it possible to use a hacksaw to remove a lot of the waste?


phil harold
06-22-2012, 4:57 PM
any sharp coarse file will make quick work of brass
remember to load the file with chalk before using with soft metal
rotary files for your dill may help tool

fastes would be a milling bit and cross slide vice on the drill press or mill

Tony Shea
06-22-2012, 5:11 PM
I would consider using a High Speed Chipbreaker file. Basically just a Bastard cut file with large diagonal grooves milled in the face to accommodate the metal removal. Helps prevent the file from clogging up on soft metals like aluminum and brass.

But really any file will work. Don't skimp on buying new files if you want the work to go fast. Dull files are not my idea of a good time and I will not waste my time with them. Start out with the coarsest you have and when close to your mark switch to something that will give you a nice even finish.

george wilson
06-22-2012, 9:18 PM
Hacksaw a bunch of cuts nearly to the full depth you want. Make them as close together as you can without the cuts slipping into their adjacent cuts. Then,you just have to file off the thin segments that are left. You might be able to just break them off with a cold chisel,and file the bottom of the cut clean.

Any file except a new Nicholson will work.:) The brass might be harder than the file. Use a Grobet or a Dick brand,or any file that is actually hardened.

Matthew N. Masail
06-23-2012, 2:49 PM
Thanks for the advice!

Tony, I agree it is not my idea of fun either,
I'm not skimping I just only have wood rasps and 1 old metal file.

George I'll try that. it's actually what I planed originally but I had a hard time marking the depth lines so I only hack sawed the outer margins in fear that I wouldn't hacksaw all the cuts on the same plane. I tend to be fearsome of things I shouldn't if I've
never done it before.
Should I worry about ALL new Nicholson products? I bought a new pattern makers rasp for Lee Valley but haven’t used it yet.

Matthew N. Masail
06-23-2012, 3:53 PM
Quick update, I decided to turn my brain on just for a little bit :) and I made a small jig for marking the depth on the brass. I then hack sawed the waste as George said and it worked well. don't have time tonight to continue but this seems like a good way to get the bulk out.