View Full Version : Value of Spruce

Andrew Nemeth
06-20-2012, 10:15 PM
I have a friends who have what I believe to be a spruce tree (white, red, or black) too close to their home for comfort. Just a few feet off the ground, the trunk is 30"-36" in diameter. It is probably over 50' tall. It looks like about half that height is realativly limb free and straight. Now to the question, is it worth paying to have the tree milled up and dried? If it is, how should I have it cut to maximize it's value for higher end items (think furniture not 2x4s). I can see a nice workbench hiding in there.

Thanks for you thoughts!

Mike Heidrick
06-20-2012, 11:41 PM
If I am making furniture I am using hardwood that is worthy of my time. Using a pitchy softwood is not something I seek. I would not pay a cent but I dont personally care for the look of spruce. YMMV.

Danny Hamsley
06-21-2012, 7:35 AM
It is a low value wood that is commonly available at home centers. Being a yard tree, it certainly has metal in it, so that it does not have any value to sell. I would agree with Mike that if you are going to the time and expense to have trees custom milled, this one would be low priority.

Kevin Bourque
06-21-2012, 8:25 AM
Tight ringed, old growth spruce is what instrument makers want, not the stuff growing in the yard.

Andrew Nemeth
06-21-2012, 8:59 AM
Thanks guys! I'll pass on it.

Myk Rian
06-21-2012, 8:59 AM
I have some old growth spruce that was cut over 100 years ago. Haven't found too many uses for it, yet.