View Full Version : Art Fair Results

Michael E. Thompson
06-18-2012, 2:45 PM
Just finished my first and probably only art show of the year. Leeper Park Art Fair in northern Indiana. Overall the show was a bit slow, but still managed to sell quite a few items. Of course it rained(hard) and was hot, very hot! Middle 90s and very humid. This was my first "high-end" art show. I have done a couple other shows in the last few years. Big difference I noticed, people are there looking for art to buy, rather than the casual person just wanting to look. I am very pleased, I did sell a couple pieces in the $200 range among other smaller items. Bottle-stoppers are always a big seller. I thought the booth looked, nice. Not great by any means, but not the worst either. Some great artist from the mid-west area. It was a ton of fun, I was actually sad I had to pack up the booth and go home. Definitely going to do the show again next year.

Maybe now I can spend some more time here now that I'm not stressing about being ready.


charlie knighton
06-18-2012, 3:11 PM
nice gloat, good looking stuff and well displayed,

did the side flaps help during rain????????? did the side flaps keep the heat in????????

Michael E. Thompson
06-18-2012, 3:41 PM
Thanks Charlie.

Yes! thw walls worked great. At times there was a pretty good breeze coming through, the walls buffered it and helped to keep everything on the tables. Only a couple big gusts blew things around a bit. They ended up being a great help with the rain. I have a front and back wall as well, kept everything dry. The heat did hang in the tent a bit, but if the back was open like in the picture, the breeze kept it cool, also, kept the intense sun at off the top of your head.

Roger Chandler
06-18-2012, 5:09 PM
Nice setup there Michael......you had some nice turnings to display. Were most of the other tents wood turnings as well? Sometimes when there is a lot to choose from, the location of your tent has to do with the amount of sales..........folks spend at the first 4 or 5 before they even get to your tent if you are 19th in line...[I was told that by someone who did craft shows some years ago....they said location mattered in the volume of sales].......glad you got some sales. Maybe it is some different in an art show???:confused:

I like that hollow form with finial on the pedestal............NICE!!!

Steve Schlumpf
06-18-2012, 7:50 PM
Michael - nice setup! Congrats on your sales and on the overall positive experience! From your report - sounds like the economy is changing and we can all hope for some sales of our 'art' pieces!

Jim Burr
06-18-2012, 7:59 PM
Well done Michael! That's a cool display. Work on the table is great...sales are well deserved!

Allan Ferguson
06-18-2012, 8:00 PM
Looks like he has my tent. Nice display.

Michael E. Thompson
06-18-2012, 11:47 PM
Roger, I was the only turner with this type of work. The other guy had a ton of pens and that's all. Didn't get a chance to talk to him on his sales though. The fair is set up in a circle, people can enter from all around so really no beginning or end. 120 artist in all ranging from jewelry to ceramics, very little wood. Good for me I think.

Can't tell you how many people told me they turn on a Shopsmith though.

Tim Chase
06-19-2012, 1:57 AM
Glad to here that the show was a success.
Looks like a nice variety of turnnings and it sounds
like you had some good sales which is promissing for many.

Bernie Weishapl
06-19-2012, 9:50 AM
Good looking setup and really nice turnings. Congrats on the sales.

Michael E. Thompson
06-19-2012, 10:58 AM
Thanks for all the nice thought. Now that the show is over, I hope to have more time to partake in the forum.