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charlie knighton
06-14-2012, 8:35 PM
i had 2 pieces accepted in the 2012 Jax Juried Exhibition. opens july 15 to september 15 in the Hayloft Gallery of the Jacksonville Center in Floyd. they have a People's Choice Award, so if you are in the area i need your vote. Grace and Transitory

Bernie Weishapl
06-14-2012, 8:37 PM
Congrats Charlie. Let us know how it goes.

Steve bellinger
06-14-2012, 8:39 PM
congrats man, hope you do well.

Steve Vaughan
06-14-2012, 9:06 PM
Good deal there! One thing I haven't done yet is get into a show. Best of luck!

Roger Chandler
06-14-2012, 9:27 PM
Congrats Charlie!!!

Steve Schlumpf
06-14-2012, 9:49 PM
Congrats Charlie! I wish you well with any awards!!

Jerry Marcantel
06-14-2012, 10:04 PM
Congratulations, Charlie.... Patience is always rewarded.. Now, please explain the symbolism of your pieces.
Also, have you ever thought of doing that on sandstone, without using your lathe. That would be rough on your chisels........ hehehe........ Jerry (in Tucson)

Scott Hackler
06-14-2012, 11:05 PM
Congrats Charlie. I hope you do well with your pieces.

Ed Morgano
06-14-2012, 11:31 PM
Congratulations Charlie! Hope you do well in the show. It's nice to be within talking distance of the "Rich and Famous". :p

Kathy Marshall
06-15-2012, 12:16 AM
Congrats Charlie. Good luck in the show!

charlie knighton
06-15-2012, 3:40 AM
thanks to all who commented

Now, please explain the symbolism of your pieces.

much like any picture, the viewer is going to interpret what they see based on their experiences, example being a turtel : to indian the animal spirit of the turtel, to member of our armed forces, turtel means drill sergeant trainee and upside down turtel gives another conatation

petroglyphs could be laid down in one setting or over centuries by several artists or vandals

i do petroglyphs on multi-axis wall hangings usuallly over a weeks time

the first petroglyph (Grace) i have chosen graceful images, ie. the Anasazi women holding hands, a common image i have stolen from their pottery, the movement of the Egret, which could be taller than the humans of this period and today, the hovering of the dragonflies, the partial moon in the sky, the round spirals in the background to show how the people wandered ever closer to their destination, the square spiral, to symbolize the turning back at he seas of their wanderings, Kokopelli, the mischef maker and symbol of fertillty

the second petroglyph (Transitory) i was trying to depict Kokopelli in a vison quest or trance. Kokopelli laying down depects the trance and the Kokopelli of different sizes i try to depict time travel ,indians would go out in the wilderness and try to induce a trance thru strvation or plant material. you have both round and square spirals again, the central figure of Masau'u, god of the underworld ;and figure with no arms or legs (blue face) i have taken from rock art of the Canyonlands National Park, i believe they believe the blue face were other world beings in Kokopelli's trance. the indians often felt they were being watched, and i have an Egret, snake, turtel, moon doing the watching while Kokopelli is in the trance

just ordinary everyday scences from life 10,000 to 15,000 years ago

but you can interpet the images any way you like

John Keeton
06-15-2012, 6:21 AM
Charlie, you are up late (or early?)!! Congrats on being chosen, and I wish for you success!

charlie knighton
06-15-2012, 7:26 AM
you are up late (or early?)!!

i wake in the night, ususally several times, if i do something such as check the board for a few minutes, i can then go back to sleep
the sleep disorder i believe is part of my diabeties

thanks for your comments John