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View Full Version : Best masking tape for laser engraving wood?

Jason Saul
06-12-2012, 1:04 PM
We've been using Enduramask Premask tape for awhile and have noticed that it has a tendency to peel up during the engraving process which has caused some smoke damage on the wood. Anyone know of a stickier tape with minimal residue?

Also, any tips on removing tape quickly (in one fell swoop?), especially small pieces of the mask from between lettering would be helpful.

Joe Hillmann
06-12-2012, 1:25 PM
Have you tried engraving without the air assist turned on? I find that air assist is helpful when vector cutting but when rastoring it blows the smoke back down on to the work piece and causes it to stick.

Martin Boekers
06-12-2012, 2:30 PM
Jason, are you filling the wood with paint? If not you really don't need the masking
if you use something like Endust and a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser it will take the the smokey
burn off easily. If you are filling it with a color I find if you take a piece of nametag
plastic and lightly srape the surface those little bits come off a whole lot easier than
weeding them!

Some here use a plastic razor so you may search online for them.

Jason Saul
06-22-2012, 2:40 PM
thanks everyone - the plastic razor seems like a cool/helpful product. will give it a shot!

we don't use air assist when rastering and we're not color filling the wood. appreciate the help!