View Full Version : Tree Bookshelf Finish

james glenn
06-10-2012, 5:16 AM
I am in the process of building a bookshelf for my newly born daughters nursery which is designed to look like a tree.
See this thread in the Design Forum:

I need to start thinking about finishes for this and wanted to get some recommendations for people with much more
knowledge in this area than myself. I don't have the ability to spray at this time, so please keep that in mind.
The wood is Walnut and I would like to show the beauty and imperfections of it, since this is a 'tree'.

I appreciate any and all help with this.


Scott Holmes
06-10-2012, 10:14 AM
Use an oil/varnish blend. Almost fool proof finish. You can make your own by mixing equal parts of varnish, boiled linseed oil and mineral spirits. You could also buy a premixed oil/varnish blend (AKA danish oil)

Application is simple wipe it on let it soak in for a few minutes then wipe it dry. 3 coats is plenty.

Jay Jolliffe
06-10-2012, 3:25 PM
Do you have a pics of what's done so far ?

james glenn
06-11-2012, 11:42 AM
Scott: Thanks for the info. I will definitely look into that more, as I was thinking something similar before. Do I need to sand between coats?

Jay: I will get some pics up in the next day or two. I have most of the branches rough cut to length and the laminated boards glued together.


Ryan Wood
06-11-2012, 11:48 AM
What i have used for a finish on walnut before has been mineral oil. I think that it makes the grain look realy good and is easy to put on.

Scott Holmes
06-11-2012, 4:49 PM
One draw back to mineral oil is that it never dries and hence is a dust magnet. Offers little to no protection should someone set a glass on the self. Oil itself could wick up into a book or something on the shelf.