View Full Version : Bob Rosand at ETWA today

Kelvin Burton
06-09-2012, 11:35 PM
Those of us at the East Texas Woodturners club were very privileged to have Bob as our guest demonstrator today. He did a great job and kept us entertained for nearly 5 hours! What an accomplished turner and really nice guy!


In that time he completed 5 projects and gave us an entertaining commentary all the way through. For the previous 3 days he held classes for members of our club.

I hope you all have a chance to enjoy one of his demonstrations some day! :)

John Keeton
06-10-2012, 6:50 AM
Kelvin, sounds like you guys had a great time! Having seen articles and published images of his work, I am sure it was informative.

charlie knighton
06-10-2012, 1:56 PM
i own two of Bob's tools, really like them, envy your time

James Roberts
06-10-2012, 7:43 PM
Bob and I both live in the same town and I saw him do a demonstration at a small church function not long after I started turning. He turned a few small ornaments and tops, one of which he gifted to my little girl. We chatted for a little bit and I took him up on his offer to visit him at his studio one evening. He showed me how to sharpen tools, what it meant to "ride the bevel" and loaned me one of his 1/4" bowl gouges to practice with (I REALLY need to return that gouge one of these days). Best hour and a half I've spent anywhere near a lathe for a newbie such as I was. You and your club certainly were blessed to have this opportunity.