View Full Version : been a long time. maple hollowform

curtis rosche
06-08-2012, 5:26 PM
Its been way too long since ive spent a good chunk of time behind a lathe. ive done a little here and there just simple things to keep sales goin at the gallery, but nothin special or fun. now that my time is no longer being consumed along with my wallet,,,, i spent the entire week in the shop. heres the first one off the line. maple of some sort, i cant remember. i turned it all with my thompson gouge as always. torched the inside and added a little color inside with some white specks. the outside finish is a wax friction polish. this peice shall go to a friend at a grad party tommorow.

comments critiques and questions welcomed

charlie knighton
06-08-2012, 7:14 PM
glad to see ya back Curtis, nice piece of maple

Bernie Weishapl
06-08-2012, 10:02 PM
Nice turning Curtis. Good to see ya back turning.

James Roberts
06-08-2012, 10:40 PM
Good to see you're back on the lathe Curtis, nice looking piece. I have a question: you say you scorched the inside of this piece, I assume you mean with a propane torch. I have tried to scorch a few pieces and they have all developed cracks and splits. What am I doing wrong and what is your method for applying heat to avoid cracking?

curtis rosche
06-09-2012, 12:14 AM
Good to see you're back on the lathe Curtis, nice looking piece. I have a question: you say you scorched the inside of this piece, I assume you mean with a propane torch. I have tried to scorch a few pieces and they have all developed cracks and splits. What am I doing wrong and what is your method for applying heat to avoid cracking?

thanks, its so nice to spend a day on the lathe instead of other things,,

as for the torch, i used a propane torch. i didnt sand the inside, but its cut smooth. i started to get some minor cracking on the outside near the base, but i stopped as soon as i realized it and i used the leaf blower to cool it back down. after that, i just did it quick in small spots, then took the heat of. let it cool with some extra air on it, then burnt it again. probably took around 30 minutes to torch the inside. i also left the base a little thick, about 5/8ths and the walls are about 3/8 the top rim is thinner. ive always loved playin with fire and wood, and i just kinda got a feel for it a little,,,,

John Keeton
06-09-2012, 7:21 AM
Nice piece of maple and an interesting form, Curtis!

Michelle Rich
06-09-2012, 7:48 AM
unusual form, but interesting..keep posting

Steve Schlumpf
06-09-2012, 9:41 AM
Not sure about the form on this one but it does show off the curl! Glad you were able to get in some turning time!! Looking forward to seeing what you turn next!

curtis rosche
06-09-2012, 10:17 AM
unusual form, but interesting..keep posting

the form looks better in person. i had a hard time photographing it cause of lighting issues and getting the camera to focus right. but i do agree it is unsusual. it started as a bowl with straight sides, then i saw the grain on top and decided to keep it

James Roberts
06-09-2012, 6:56 PM
Thanks for the reply Curtis. After reading it, I think I may be trying to hurry things a little and need to slow down. So simple, should have thought of that myself.

curtis rosche
06-09-2012, 7:29 PM
Thanks for the reply Curtis. After reading it, I think I may be trying to hurry things a little and need to slow down. So simple, should have thought of that myself.

yeah, ive ruined a few bowls doing that, gotta take it slow, do a little at a time and make sure to keep it cool. and make sure to do it evenly. if you heat up one side and not the other it could aslo crack