View Full Version : Roots

francesco dibari
06-04-2012, 6:00 AM
... Madrona burl, the name could not be another, at first I thought of leaving full within the groove (see picture 1 °) .. but while I went on I realized that I needed the wood to make a decent foot and the bowl .. who has a particular form of its ... sat looking like "a fig tree crushed" ... I then tried to lighten the piece emptying completely and leaving only the "root" ... finish sealer .. I know the photos' a little dark but I hope you will excuse me .. :o ... thanks to all :)












John Keeton
06-04-2012, 6:31 AM
Francesco, this is an intriguing piece!! Great flow to it, and I would love to see it in person as I bet it has unbelievable character to it. Was the madrone wet? Do you think you will get a lot of movement? That may add a totally different element, if so.

I think my only suggestion might be to soften the definitive line at the rim such that a clean rim is not visible. Not sure that would help, but it seems it would be in keeping with the root character.

charlie knighton
06-04-2012, 7:40 AM
whoa, that not your everyday bowl... very nice....thanks for sharing

francesco dibari
06-04-2012, 8:11 AM
... thanks to all .. very kind ... :) ..

francesco dibari
06-04-2012, 8:16 AM
Francesco, this is an intriguing piece!! Great flow to it, and I would love to see it in person as I bet it has unbelievable character to it. Was the madrone wet? Do you think you will get a lot of movement? That may add a totally different element, if so.

I think my only suggestion might be to soften the definitive line at the rim such that a clean rim is not visible. Not sure that would help, but it seems it would be in keeping with the root character.

John ... the edge is not circular, I have better pictures, sorry for my bad English .. thanks for your intervention :)

Steve Schlumpf
06-04-2012, 9:11 AM
Francesco - that sure is an interesting form and not something you see every day! I like how the entire piece changes shape when you view it from different angles! Looks like it would be right at home in an art gallery or private collection! Nice work! Thanks for sharing!

Bernie Weishapl
06-04-2012, 9:53 AM
Francesco that is a different but a really nice piece. Well done.

Jerry Wright
06-04-2012, 10:18 AM
Francesco - Very refreshing! Many focus on pure forms, while you have let Mother Nature define your form. We don't often see natural sides! You certainly have a lot of patience and courage to tackle such a large and challenging piece. Keep them coming!

francesco dibari
06-04-2012, 10:35 AM
Francesco - that sure is an interesting form and not something you see every day! I like how the entire piece changes shape when you view it from different angles! Looks like it would be right at home in an art gallery or private collection! Nice work! Thanks for sharing!

.. thanks Steve :)

francesco dibari
06-04-2012, 10:35 AM
Francesco that is a different but a really nice piece. Well done.

thanks Bernie .. :)

francesco dibari
06-04-2012, 10:38 AM
Francesco - Very refreshing! Many focus on pure forms, while you have let Mother Nature define your form. We don't often see natural sides! You certainly have a lot of patience and courage to tackle such a large and challenging piece. Keep them coming!

thanks Jerry .. Mother Nature has helped me .. :)

Ed Morgano
06-04-2012, 11:36 AM
That is a beautiful piece. My hats off to you for having the courage to turn something like this. It must have been an interesting challenge to keep it in one piece.

francesco dibari
06-04-2012, 12:27 PM
That is a beautiful piece. My hats off to you for having the courage to turn something like this. It must have been an interesting challenge to keep it in one piece.

thanks Ed ... :)

Michelle Rich
06-04-2012, 12:59 PM
just too wild..great skill turning this

David DeCristoforo
06-04-2012, 1:04 PM
An act of pure optimisim to attempt to turn something like this in the first place. It's kinda like some of those bull dogs. It's so ugly it transcends ugliness and becomes a thing of beauty.

francesco dibari
06-04-2012, 3:41 PM
just too wild..great skill turning this

thanks Michelle ... :)

francesco dibari
06-04-2012, 3:42 PM
An act of pure optimisim to attempt to turn something like this in the first place. It's kinda like some of those bull dogs. It's so ugly it transcends ugliness and becomes a thing of beauty.

thanks David .. very kind .. :)

Bill White
06-08-2012, 11:49 AM
THAT is one unusual piece.
I guess that I'd have to call it a basket rather than a bowl, but that's just semantics.
Betcha that turning that piece would have been something to see.

francesco dibari
06-08-2012, 3:34 PM
THAT is one unusual piece.
I guess that I'd have to call it a basket rather than a bowl, but that's just semantics.
Betcha that turning that piece would have been something to see.

thanks Bill .. :)