View Full Version : Oak root Bowllow-form

Curt Fuller
06-03-2012, 11:03 PM
This is a piece of oak root that I dug out of a pile of trees cleared for a road several years ago. It was dry, hard, full of dirt. The first pics are how it looked as first mounted on the lathe.

233607 233608

The form ended up almost bowl like hence the name bowllow-form. It's 8" x 5.75", finished with antique oil and beall buffed.


Kathy Marshall
06-04-2012, 2:52 AM
Great job Curt! That looked like a narly root ball, but you pulled a nice little gem out of it. Pretty wood and nice "airy" form! Glad it held together for you.

Tim Chase
06-04-2012, 3:12 AM
That sure won't hold much soup!
Nice job on a difficult piece. It really looks very old the coloring is so rich and varied.
Apears like something from an Indiana Jones dig.

John Keeton
06-04-2012, 6:36 AM
Curt, I would never have guessed that was inside that chunk of wood. In fact, that piece of root ball would not have even been considered for turning at my shop - I admire your fortitude!!! Great result, beautiful color and a load of character.

charlie knighton
06-04-2012, 7:37 AM
nice, Curt

Pete Jordan
06-04-2012, 7:37 AM
Awesome Curt!

You have a lot more nerve than I do. Very Special!

Steve Schlumpf
06-04-2012, 8:05 AM
Man - that is something else! Has to be one of the ugliest root balls I have ever seen - but - you managed to create something absolutely beautiful from it! Love the form, the voids and all that rich color! Very very cool!

David DeCristoforo
06-04-2012, 1:07 PM
Beautiful. I too am amazed that you could extract this from that butt ugly root ball.

Prashun Patel
06-04-2012, 1:16 PM
I would call it "Silk Purse", and display it with a pic of from whence it came. That is just beautiful.

Mark Levitski
06-04-2012, 7:48 PM
What, no finial?! :)

Just kidding. Very,very nice. Now that's my kinda style for turning right now. As Mike Mahoney would say on his videos, I'm "exploring" pieces like that. Or really, that is what sells better for me right now. They are more difficult to turn and involve a learning curve (and more so, as JK hints at, they involve belief that anything can actually be "in there"). In addition, I am finding that I am a lot more relaxed while turning normal bowls as far as technique. It certainly teaches you tool technique. The only thing left to finesse is better form and better wood to work with.

Kudos, Curt. Or should we start calling you Stumpy.

Jon Nuckles
06-04-2012, 8:00 PM
Very cool. Looks like an ancient egg after the dinosaur hatched.

Jim Burr
06-04-2012, 8:03 PM
Do not let Keller see that!! Great job Curt...that could not have been easy!

Bernie Weishapl
06-04-2012, 8:49 PM
Excellent piece Curt and great job. Who would have thought a beauty could come out of ugly.:)

Jerry Wright
06-05-2012, 6:32 AM
Curt - Every once in a while, we see a piece that makes us wonder - "what got into him?" . This bowl answers that question!! Very nice and I am sure for you and us, a very rewarding experience. Thanks for giving us the motivation to get out of our own turning comfort zones.

Rick Markham
06-06-2012, 3:34 AM
This is a really neat piece Curt. Bet that thing was exciting once it was spinning! The sound of something shaped like that always increases the pucker factor!