View Full Version : Need a hand finding...

Jim Burr
06-03-2012, 5:57 PM
My daughter thinks she is getting married in November, typical daddy response! I am tasked with several things, ebony and holly pens for the guest book, four cheese manicotti with shrimp for 100 people and the cake cutter and serving knife thingy bobber. I have looked and looked but can't find one that I can turn the handles for as she would like. Looked at CSUSA, PSI and AS. Any ideas....anyone? If it doesn't exist, and I seem to think it did at one point, it'll all work out in the end, but I'd like to make them if I can. Thanks for looking and whatever help is out there!

Doug Herzberg
06-03-2012, 6:49 PM

I've been known to haunt the thrift stores looking for nice hardware with cheap handles that need replacing. Something old and new all in one? If that doesn't feel right, the stuff with the cheap handles had to be new once, so you could go looking in the normal wedding places and just plan to replace the handles.

A friend of mine just finished the pens for the wedding party, candlesticks for the tables and a few other nice things. He enjoyed it, but I think it was a bit stressful for him. You're going to have a lot of other stuff on your mind, so don't over commit. But then, it's only June. She could change her mind.

Congratulations, by the way.

charlie knighton
06-03-2012, 7:18 PM

good luck-----i'll add check out estate sales for what Doug says......replace the handles

you never know what will show up at estate sales, or when, course usually you needed it last week