View Full Version : Mesquite shower bench

Andrew Hughes
06-01-2012, 7:18 PM
I am considering making a shower bench a small one from mesquite.I know they are often made from teak.I was asked if could make one with a rustic appeal.I have a couple pieces of mesquite i havent worked yet.Anyone care to guess how mesquite would fare in wet shower my main concern is staining the floor of the shower.One of the pieces i have looks like a fence was growing thru it.I do have enough epoxy to finish the bench.Been wanting to do something with this mesquite.What do ya think woodworkers in texas? Thanks Andrew

Tom Scott
06-03-2012, 10:14 AM
Mesquite should be as good or better than most woods for this. I would not expect any staining. Mesquite is generally very rot and decay resistant and is often used as fense posts.
FYI, it is not unusual to see barbed wire fenses going through a mesquite tree. Mesquites are very brushy and prickly, and are seen a lot at property boundaries.

Andrew Hughes
06-03-2012, 8:37 PM
Thanks tom,I removed some metal in the wood i do think it was barbed wire.Good thing i have new knives in the jointer the board i have is really hard and heavy.

jeffrey bailey
06-04-2012, 8:19 AM
I have also considered building a bench/seat for the shower and was considering which wood to use. Tom's statement about rot and decay made me remember some red elm I have had for a few years. It is not supposed to rot either. Any ideas as to whether it will hold up under the wet conditions?