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Peter Pedisich
05-31-2012, 10:41 PM
Frustrating day at work?

A little shop time can help that, no?


Jim Ritter
05-31-2012, 10:44 PM
What if the shop time that doesn't go right IS your frustrating day at work? That's my world.

steven c newman
05-31-2012, 10:58 PM
That is why i have a nice, comfy lawn chair in the shop.. Things starting to go to FUBAR-land?? I take a nice break in the chair. I even turn the chair to look OUT the shop door, and NOT at the "mess". When things have calmed down, then i MIGHT go back to work. Been some days though......... I just crack open a cold beer when I get back home. Seven mile trip one way, so the cold beer will wait til I get home. And once the beer comes out, shop time IS DONE! See ya tomorrow, shoppy.

Chris Scimone
06-01-2012, 6:57 AM
My ex-girlfriend knew that when she came home, and I was standing knee-deep in sawdust or shavings, it was best to wait a while before asking 'how was your day dear?'.

My office is a corner of my studio/shop, so when the work day and the shop day both go bad, I make it a bourbon & sketchup day.

Harold Burrell
06-01-2012, 7:27 AM
You know what they say,

"A bad day in the shop is better than a good day fishing."

(Or something like that...) ;)

Rodger Kanis
06-01-2012, 8:45 AM
My ex-girlfriend knew that when she came home, and I was standing knee-deep in sawdust or shavings, it was best to wait a while before asking 'how was your day dear?'.

My office is a corner of my studio/shop, so when the work day and the shop day both go bad, I make it a bourbon & sketchup day.

I read the last line above originally as "...I make it a bourbon & ketchup day." It would have to be a bad day, indeed, to go to that combo!

Zach Dillinger
06-01-2012, 9:30 AM
I read the last line above originally as "...I make it a bourbon & ketchup day." It would have to be a bad day, indeed, to go to that combo!

Indeed. Or you don't have time to get to the grocery store, and ketchup is the only food-like substance in the house :)

Peter Pedisich
06-01-2012, 10:04 AM
Indeed. Or you don't have time to get to the grocery store, and ketchup is the only food-like substance in the house :)

Bourbon and Ketchup is still better than no Bourbon!

Mike Holbrook
06-01-2012, 10:08 AM
I have learned from my high drive German Shepherds. Just going outside is VERY exciting, then turning around and going back inside is VERY exciting, then going back outside is VERY exciting...... Seems crazy until one gets over ones self and relaxes into the mind set.

Klaus Kretschmar
06-01-2012, 11:50 AM
Hi Peter,

a nice piece of straight grained Ash you took to forget your day job. If it was mine, I probably couldn't resist to make a nice plane out of it...:D


Bruce Page
06-01-2012, 11:53 AM
Frustrating day at work? Not anymore; everyday is Saturday when you are retired. :p:)

Peter Pedisich
06-01-2012, 11:56 AM
Hi Pete,

a nice piece of straight grained Ash you took to forget your day job. If it was mine, I probably couldn't resist to make a nice plane out of it...:D



Actually it is red oak and will become my new front vise:)
I purchased one of Sjobergs Elite Series face vises on clearance for 50% off, then got a deal for 50% off of that!


Klaus Kretschmar
06-01-2012, 12:04 PM

Actually it is red oak and will become my new front vise:)
I purchased one of Sjobergs Elite Series face vises on clearance for 50% off, then got a deal for 50% off of that!


LOL! As you clearly can see, I'm a true expert...:o


Jim Koepke
06-01-2012, 12:13 PM
Bourbon and Ketchup is still better than no Bourbon!

We heat it in the microwave and call it a Bloody Harry, especially if there were no clean glasses.

Frustrating day at work? Not anymore; everyday is Saturday when you are retired.

+1 to that!

My problem is making shavings can become mesmerizing.

It is kind of embarrassing to be dimensioning a piece, end up forgetting to stop and have a piece that is then too small.


Ryan Baker
06-01-2012, 7:23 PM
Yup, I know what you mean.

But nothing in that picture should have anything to do with that LV plane adjusting hammer...

Peter Pedisich
06-01-2012, 7:43 PM
Yup, I know what you mean.

But nothing in that picture should have anything to do with that LV plane adjusting hammer...

Ryan, before I took the LV LAJ to the oak, I had to hog off a lot of rough surface from having split (riven?) the oak at a large crack. To do this I used my toted wood plane seen at the top of this image. Yes, I'm sure it was intended to be a smoother, but the mouth is so wide, the Hock iron so stout, and the handle so comfortable, that it became a sort of scrub plane. About half of my planes are woodies, so the hammer comes in handy.
Good eye!


Peter Pedisich
06-01-2012, 7:46 PM
What if the shop time that doesn't go right IS your frustrating day at work? That's my world.

Jim, yes, I'm lucky that if it doesn't go right for me in the shop I can just go inside and have a beer and sit and read woodworking forums and blogs!

Peter Pedisich
06-01-2012, 7:49 PM
Frustrating day at work? Not anymore; everyday is Saturday when you are retired. :p:)

Bruce, wow, that hurts! good for you though, hope you get lots of good shop time!

Jessica Pierce-LaRose
06-01-2012, 9:48 PM
I use hammer taps to fine adjust all the lateral settings on my planes; even the iron ones, much easier for fine tuning than dealing with the lever. (Although I don't have any new LV planes, so I can't comment on the norris-style adjuster)

Tony Zaffuto
06-02-2012, 8:05 AM
You know what they say,

"A bad day in the shop is better than a good day fishing."

(Or something like that...) ;)

I'm glad to see this post: it is 7:58 AM here in DuBois, PA. At 8:00 AM I am supposed to meet some friends/family at their camp for "breakfast" (lakefront) and then fish the morning away. Lunch will be cooking the fish caught. Alcohol will flow constantly.

Some would love this, but I don't! I'd rather putz around my shop, even if it is totally wasteless, non-productive putzing! As the invitation was told me last weekend during a party, where most were imbiding, I'm hoping they forget they asked me. Should the phone ring, I'm pretending I don't hear it. Don't want anyone to misunderstand me to be a tee-totaler, non-fisherman, but it is just that there are things I prefer to do with my time! I'll save having a beer or three for later this evening. Right now, I'm heading to the shop to survey if the tools have moved since I last visited, last evening. It'll be a good morning!

Harold Burrell
06-02-2012, 12:35 PM
I'm glad to see this post: it is 7:58 AM here in DuBois, PA. At 8:00 AM I am supposed to meet some friends/family at their camp for "breakfast" (lakefront) and then fish the morning away. Lunch will be cooking the fish caught. Alcohol will flow constantly.

Some would love this, but I don't! I'd rather putz around my shop, even if it is totally wasteless, non-productive putzing! As the invitation was told me last weekend during a party, where most were imbiding, I'm hoping they forget they asked me. Should the phone ring, I'm pretending I don't hear it. Don't want anyone to misunderstand me to be a tee-totaler, non-fisherman, but it is just that there are things I prefer to do with my time! I'll save having a beer or three for later this evening. Right now, I'm heading to the shop to survey if the tools have moved since I last visited, last evening. It'll be a good morning!

Oh, wow...cool...a kindred spirit. ;)

Tony Zaffuto
06-02-2012, 1:05 PM
I should of gone fishing (just kidding). Did any of you ever have one of those days, that a task you've done hundreds of times, has you struggling? I smoothing some laminated, curved legs (cherry) and I can't for the life of me, get an edge on my favorite card scraper! Fortunately my old Stanley #80 is getting the job done (a task it's not normally chosen for).

Anyhow, I'm over the worst of it and right before I came upstairs, I decided to take a critical look at the card scraper. Usually when the edge needs honing, I free hand draw file the scraper and then hone on a stone and then turn the burr. Anyhow, when checking the edge with a straight edge, I noticed I've filed a bit of a dish in the edge of the scraper! The dish is deep enough that I may have to resort to fixturing the card to grind it straight again. At that point, all that is left is honing and turning a burr.

Still better than fishing!