View Full Version : Patriot Pro 500 wood burner review

Mike Cruz
05-31-2012, 3:22 PM
Okay, so last week I asked if anyone had experience with this burner. IIRC, no one had. Even though there were those positive souls that figured it would be just fine. First of all, I want to thank everyone for thier input. And while I didn't go the route of the Detail Master, the Burnmaster, or the Razortip, knowing that those units did what you all wanted, if nothing else, they and their "specs" were useful in figuring out whether or not the Patriot 500 would work for me.

Cecil, they guy that makes and sells the units (through Ebay under the name Everglades) took his time explaining his product to me over the phone (just leave him an email with your number and he WILL call you). He was running a special/sale for the holiday weekend. So, I made sure to order before the end of the day on Monday. I ordered the Patriot Pro 500 (45 watts) with three pens (my choice of tips, so I got a standard writing pen, a micro tip pen, and a skew) with foam padding from grips...all for $104 shipped.

It arrived today (Thursday). I read the instructions/directions (as he asks you to do), plugged it into the wall, plugged the cord into the unit and into the pen, turned it on, dialed it up to 4, went to get a scrap piece of wood, and when I returned (20 seconds or so later), it was good to go! I "signed" my name like I usually do on my works...in all caps. That went extremely smoothly. So, I started to write in "script". Went well, but when I looked back at it, it was a bit "heavy". I tried again with a lighter touch...WOW! I was thoroughly impressed. It writes almost like...a pen. I haven't even tried the micro tip or the skew yet, but am excited to try them on something soon. Guess my "signature" on my bowls is about to change... And look out Mr. Adkins...I'm gonna be right on your heals with baskets! :rolleyes: :D Hehe, just kidding. I don't have the patience for that...;)

BTW, the unit comes with a 2 year warranty. The pens with a 90 day burn out warranty. Apparently, other pens will work with his units, but obviously, you assume the risks...

And while NO, I won't get any kind of a kickback, if you decide to order one or talk to Cecil, tell him where you heard about it (SMC and me). I'm sure he'd be tickled to hear that a satisfied customer raved about him and his product.

Kyle Iwamoto
05-31-2012, 7:21 PM
Thanks for the review!

I guess I'll have to order one now. Sigh. I hate this hobby.

Roland Martin
06-01-2012, 7:29 AM
Thanks for the review, Mike. A burner is on my endless list and will keep this one in mind.

Mike Cruz
06-01-2012, 7:47 AM
You are certainly welcome, Kyle and Roland.

I want to be clear that I'm not stating that this burner is better than any other one (other than the cheapo $10-15 ones). I don't have any experience with the other brands. I am, however, happy, satisfied, and impressed with this one.

Steve Schlumpf
06-01-2012, 8:13 AM
Glad you like it! Looking forward to seeing some pyro work from you!!

Jim Underwood
06-01-2012, 8:24 AM
Thanks for the review Mike.


No pix, didn't happen. :D

I wanna see smoke!

Mike Cruz
06-02-2012, 8:07 AM
Jim, ya caught me...233442

Sorry, didn't think quick enough to put the other pens in the pic...

If you look closely, the first three letters "SAW" are a little darker than the rest. I turned the controller down a smidge after I noticed that it was probably running a little hot at first. I started out on 4, then turned it down to about 3 1/2.

Tony De Masi
06-02-2012, 5:12 PM
Wow, that's cool. Didn't know you could write.

Mike Cruz
06-02-2012, 5:27 PM
FHoie, lakjasdfi lf dl';le .ma lkaf ouweljal fha foi thel a;lkf aoi fhafhfa fheoiha ;a'apeoefui fhoheadnc lmclkef o .;)

Steve Mawson
06-03-2012, 2:59 PM
Now I'm interested, my list must be as long as Roland's:)

Bernie Weishapl
06-03-2012, 5:25 PM
Nice looking unit Mike. Thanks for the review.

Mike Cruz
06-03-2012, 9:04 PM
Steve, I will say this... One is still limited by his or her talent/penmanship, but it is certainly a LOT easier.

You are welcome, Bernie. Hope it helps you in some way...

Carl Civitella
06-04-2012, 2:39 AM
FHoie, lakjasdfi lf dl';le .ma lkaf ouweljal fha foi thel a;lkf aoi fhafhfa fheoiha ;a'apeoefui fhoheadnc lmclkef o .;)

Have not heard that phrase in a long time...

Mike Cruz
06-15-2012, 6:56 AM
Just a follow up... After our recent DAMP meeting here, the burner was a hit. Keller really seemed to like it and said he just might be ordering one. We took the cover off so Jeff could look inside. He gave it the thumbs up and liked what he saw.

Sure, you could probably build the burner unit yourself for about $45 in materials (if you were to build it exactly like this one is built). But you would have to know exactly what to buy, find the parts, and put it all together. Then you would still have to buy pens which, if you bought 3 from any company, would bring you to what this unit plus the pens costs anyway... So, I really can't see why you would...

Kyle Iwamoto
06-15-2012, 12:02 PM
OK. Since you ordered one and that peaked my interest, I bought the 1000. It's a slightly higher power unit, which he reccomended I get since I also bought a fish scales set of pens. It is a nice unit, (not that I really have experience with any other brand). What I REALLY like is the pens. They are slim and easy to handle and write with. They also all come in a pen tube/case, so the tips should not get banged up in my bag..... That is pretty awesome. Also bought a pen tip cleaner, which is just leather and some compound. Works great too.

As mentioned, any of this COULD be home made for cheaper, but I have not the skill required. Maybe now that I have a few pens, I could figure out how to make my own. Maybe turn some out of koa or something cool.

Oh, thanks for helping me spend my "excess" money Mike.

Jim Underwood
06-15-2012, 12:12 PM
FHoie, lakjasdfi lf dl';le .ma lkaf ouweljal fha foi thel a;lkf aoi fhafhfa fheoiha ;a'apeoefui fhoheadnc lmclkef o .;)

Ok... I need a translation. I'm not smart enough to figure this one out... :confused:

Mike Cruz
06-15-2012, 12:40 PM
Jim, I'm assuming that you are kidding, but just in case, I'll explain it so it doesn't look like I'm ignoring you...

Tony was SO impessed with my burning of "Sawmill Creek", that he could help but jab me and say he couldn't believe I could write! So, I responded back...simply hitting random keys to prove that he was wrong. Tony and I are friends and I expect nothing other than a "yeah, whatever" from him. It does, in a way, make it funny that some people don't know that we are friends and that I'm getting harrassed by him...;)

Mike Cruz
06-15-2012, 12:41 PM
You are welcome, Kyle! It is always fun to spend other people's money... Of course, I've been spending my fair share lately, too...which isn't as easy. :o Glad you like the unit!

Mark Zimmerman
07-13-2012, 10:51 AM
Hey, Mike -- good to meet you yesterday, and thanks for the tip about the Patriot Pro 500 burner; I'm checking it out.

Scott Hackler
07-13-2012, 10:59 AM
Cool! If you get into "branding" patterns, I would STRONGLY suggest a small desktop fan to blow the smoke away from your face. I tend to "brand" more than burn because I love the textures. Get some NiChrome wire in a few different gauges and make your own tips. Keep in mind that unless your Molly Winton, your NOT going to need a 100' roll of the wire! I bought 25' rolls and probably still have 23' of it left! :)

Mike Cruz
07-13-2012, 11:09 AM
Great meeting you, too, Mark. That was a fun day...exhausting, but fun. Hope to see you around some more.

Jim Underwood
07-13-2012, 11:58 AM
Hey Mike... I figured that was the case, but was too lazy to see if it actually was code... Go figure.

Now I wanna go out to the shop and work on my battery charger burner and the new wire I bought to see if I can make a shader tip and a skew...

Mike Cruz
07-13-2012, 1:33 PM
Fixed it, Jim...thanks for pointing that out typo. Seemed like code, didn't it?