View Full Version : I answer my own question...

David DeCristoforo
05-30-2012, 5:27 PM
Had to run over to Sac this morning so I popped into WC and picked up a small bottle of WTF. When I got home I chucked up a piece of maple "dowel" and, after sanding to 220, gave it several coats of the stuff. Let it dry for a few and then tried "burning in" some alcohol dye. My conclusion is that it "kinda works". But it's not nearly as controllable a process as burning the dye into lacquer nor does the color look the same. So I'm thinking that this is not really a good process for use with WTF. Next test will be to do the dye work on a shellac undercoat and then lay the WTF over that. The stuff does dry fast, builds nicely and has none of the airborne toxic vapors associated with spraying lacquer. Definitely worth pursuing. So far the coolest thing about this material is being able to type WTF without the mods deleting it...


Mike Cruz
05-30-2012, 6:24 PM
DD, not sure if it matters or not, but WTF dries quickly, but still takes a couple of days to cure. Not sure how the experiment would work if you applied a couple of coats of WTF, waited 3 days, then tried the dye...

Roger Chandler
05-30-2012, 7:21 PM
It is my guess David, that the shellac undercoat will work, then the application of the WTF.........I may be wrong, but it is definitely worth a try! Report when you get your experiment finished.......thanks!

Rick Markham
05-30-2012, 7:30 PM
Cool! I don't see why it wouldn't work with the shellac, but will probably work best after you've built up a heathy layer. The solvent is the same, and french polishing is burning each layer into the previous. I would think if you built a nice quick few layers of shellac, and then burnished that with the dye, as the shellac shrinks it should bring the dye down with it. (Maybe :D)

John Altberg
05-30-2012, 7:53 PM
So far the coolest thing about this material is being able to type WTF without the mods deleting it...

This acronym has caused me pause many times on this site!