View Full Version : Problem Making Filler

Tom Blank
05-29-2012, 4:40 PM
In the past, I have had resonable results getting a color match making my own wood filler to patch or repair small voids using sandpaper dust from the same piece and wood glue.

Recently every attempt has had the patch material turn out way too dark. I suspect its the glue and have tried Woodworker II, Minwax Wood Glue (both yellow glues), and Elmer's Glue-All (white glue). I'm not getting acceptable results with any of them.

What is the correct/best glue for this exercise and any other hints...



Jerry Thompson
05-29-2012, 7:06 PM
Have you tried Hide Glue? If you don't want to mess with dissolving the dried glue yourself Titebond makes liquid hide glue. I use hide glue for almost all of my projects.

Scott Holmes
05-30-2012, 12:17 AM
Read this thread from a week or two ago...


In a nut shell there are much better ways to fill the grain than glue (of any kind) and sawdust.

Tom Blank
05-30-2012, 12:04 PM
Thanks Gentlemen.

Jerry, have not used hide glue since High School shop class. That would be next on the list to try. Found a couple of entries on the net referring to hide glue and a couple of comments that others had encountered the same issue with the repairs being too dark. Could be I'm rembering those earlier repairs matching better than they really did.

Scott, I was using the filler to repair small defects not as an overall grain filler.

Scott Holmes
05-31-2012, 1:09 AM
I just did a fill-in job tonight. I used tinted epoxy, no sawdust.