View Full Version : Nova vacuum adapter problem

Eric Gourieux
05-29-2012, 1:13 PM
I have a Nova DVR and a Nova vacuum adapter. When I fit the adapter in the handwheel and turn the vacuum on, I get a good suction. However, when I tighten the set screw to hold the adapter in the handwheel, I lose suction. The adapter seems to fit tightly in the handwheel, but I assume that the set screw moves the adapter just enough to leak. There is only one set screw hole, so there is no way to "balance" the pressure from the one screw. Has anybody had this problem and found a solution? I'm not comfortable using the vac adapter without something to hold it in place. Before I rig up something else to hold it in place besides the set screw, I thought I'd ask if anybody found a solution.

I have been using the setup with a rod through the headstock, but this will be easier if I can get it to work.

James Combs
05-29-2012, 1:53 PM
I am not at all familiar with the Nova adapter but if it does not have some-kind of rubber seal I would be tempted to chuck it up in my lathe and put a small groove around it in an area that goes inside the spindle. I would size the groove to allow the use a thin o-ring in it as a seal. Just an Idea.

Eric Gourieux
05-29-2012, 2:11 PM
I am not at all familiar with the Nova adapter but if it does not have some-kind of rubber seal I would be tempted to chuck it up in my lathe and put a small groove around it in an area that goes inside the spindle. I would size the groove to allow the use a thin o-ring in it as a seal. Just an Idea.

Thanks, James. It's a good thought

Roger Chandler
05-29-2012, 2:15 PM
I like JD's idea for a fix.........should make it work well if properly fitted.

Sid Matheny
05-29-2012, 3:19 PM
Never had that problem with mine but wonder if you are putting too much pressure on the set screw. You just want it to touch the bearing. Don't see why a little pipe tape around the bearing would hurt.


Peter Fabricius
05-29-2012, 3:31 PM
Hi Eric;
Put a round disk of art foam inside the handwheel before inserting the vacuum adaptor. As Sid said you only need a very little pressure on the set screw, do you have the little round gasket on the end of the set screw?

I was having lots of problems with mine until I completely re-made it into a sealed unit complete with a wood handwheel. Now all is good and I can still use my knock out rod through the vac fitting.

Note: The Nova vac adaptor is designed for a Shop Vac and therefore depending on a very large airflow compared to a vac pump.
Good luck
Peter F.