View Full Version : Pandora

francesco dibari
05-29-2012, 8:13 AM
.. is 1 piece of cork oak half Spalted ... I called "Pandora" because although it has a lid, when I started tornirlo, the indentations of the bark "came out of everything" ... .. a myriad of insects .. insects, ... cocoons and pupae had literally several that infested the entire surface and the inside of the cork ... poor things .. Unfortunately, the eviction was executive: blush: ... finish sealer spagliettato .. about an inch thick, I could not do better than being afraid of losing the bark .. but I must say that given the type of work, "we are all one centimeter" .. I would say that the measures are quite "impressive" because the mouth measuring 1 overall of less than 34 cm ... the foot of the base 8 ... the height of nearly 40 ... In short .. a "Vasone"! .. .. I'm glad I managed to keep the design of the cortex thought I'd get by having "come down" almost to the base .. the only thing that I was able to "drive" for the rest, applauding the nature of the design and colors that gave me ....
Thanks to all for comments and recommendations .. smileys/smiley1.gif" align="middle .. sorry for my bad english

P.S. .... excuse me for having too many pictures, but a particular form I tried to highlight as much as possible ..












Steve Schlumpf
05-29-2012, 9:10 AM
Francesco - that is a great job on being able to keep all that bark! Sure gives the vase a different look! That is a large piece at 15" tall! Very cool! Looking forward to seeing what you turn next!! Thanks for sharing!

francesco dibari
05-29-2012, 10:01 AM
Francesco - that is a great job on being able to keep all that bark! Sure gives the vase a different look! That is a large piece at 15" tall! Very cool! Looking forward to seeing what you turn next!! Thanks for sharing!

... Thanks Steve are very kind .. :)

Eric Gourieux
05-29-2012, 10:22 AM
That is a really nice piece. The shape is nice, and you did a great job keeping it intact. I like all of the pics. Keep sending them.

Michelle Rich
05-29-2012, 10:29 AM
wow! keeping the bark on was a hurculean task! good turning!

francesco dibari
05-29-2012, 11:37 AM
Thanks to all, in fact it was a great challenge to keep the bark .. :)

Bernie Weishapl
05-29-2012, 11:39 AM
Great looking form and I agree keeping the bark on had to be a challenge.

francesco dibari
05-29-2012, 1:24 PM
Great looking form and I agree keeping the bark on had to be a challenge.

.. thanks Bernie .. :)