View Full Version : Remembering Shipmates on Memorial Day...

Wally Dickerman
05-28-2012, 4:55 PM
I take Memorial day seriously. Mostly I remember seeing 23 of my shipmates, two of them close friends, sewed up in canvas bags for burial at sea in the traditional Navy way. That was in 1945 during WWII.

Ken Fitzgerald
05-28-2012, 4:59 PM
That would make one take it seriously. May they rest in peace. May they never be forgotten.

Thanks for your service Wally.

James Roberts
05-28-2012, 5:13 PM
Raise a glass to your shipmates for me and have one for yourself Wally, I appreciate all you and they have done for the rest of us. God bless.

Gary Herrmann
05-28-2012, 5:46 PM
We've got all four flavors of service in our family. Thank all that have served our country now and in the future. My Father was Army Air Corps. My Uncle was a Chief in the Navy. My other Uncle was Army. All during WWII. My cousin is Marine Recon. My Uncle that served in the Army is the only one left in our family that served in WWII. Interestingly, most of the wives of the greatest generation in our family are from Germany. Memorial Day is quiet and focused on family. My son and my nieces and nephews understand this. It makes me proud of them.

Steve Schlumpf
05-28-2012, 7:42 PM
Wally - Thank you for your service!! I can not imagine what you went through during the war... but I appreciate all that you did! My Uncle was in the army, fought in the Pacific theater, my Dad was career Air Force during Korea and Viet Nam, my brother and I both served for 8 years in the Air Force, my son is Army National Guard in Alabama... we understand the need for a strong military and one's duty to country! Again - Thank you for your service!

Dane Fuller
05-28-2012, 7:52 PM
From one former sailor to another. Thank you, Wally.

charlie knighton
05-28-2012, 7:55 PM
thanks for your service, Wally

Harry Robinette
05-28-2012, 7:59 PM
I to remember I was Air Force for 20 years and two wars. Today everyone in this great country should remember the fallen and missing.
Thank you all that severed and to the fallen and missing May GOD Bless.

mickey cassiba
05-28-2012, 8:23 PM
Bless you Wally.

Mike Willeson
05-28-2012, 8:25 PM
Thank you for your service Wally. It is because of good men like yourself and your shipmates that we are free.

Nate Davey
05-28-2012, 9:20 PM
Thank you for your service and sacrifice, Wally. You have given those of us who serve a legacy of excellence. One I hope we uphold.

Bernie Weishapl
05-28-2012, 9:28 PM
Thank you Wally for your service. My wifes dad, my dad and 3 of his brothers served in WW II. I spent 5 yrs in the army security agency. Was the only one of the 4 boys who did. I remember some of those scenes Wally. Lost my best friend in Nam. Thanks to all who have served and thanks to those who have given it all.

Jerry Marcantel
05-28-2012, 9:50 PM
I can't add to what's already been said without repeating those sentiments, so Thank you Wally....... Jerry (in Tucson)

Jim Burr
05-28-2012, 10:29 PM
We had a lot of helicopters land with fewer guys than they went out with in DS 1&2. We had a FMF amphib attached to the CVN 72 group. I didn't know any of them well, but they were someone's son.

Mike Peace
05-28-2012, 11:03 PM
Memorial Day is a time for somber remembrance for me as well. I served in Germany and never got shot at, but my first battery commander in Germany went back to Viet Nam for a second tour as a Cobra gunship pilot and was killed. Every Memorial Day I think about him and a fraternity brother who also gave his life in Viet Nam.

05-28-2012, 11:31 PM
From one USN vet to another - outstanding thread! Thanks for doing it.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/86/US-DeptOfNavy-Seal.svg/210px-US-DeptOfNavy-Seal.svg.png (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/wiki/File:US-DeptOfNavy-Seal.svg)

Ed Morgano
05-29-2012, 12:34 AM
Thank you for your service and for theirs. I will always be grateful for everything you and they have done for our freedom.

John Keeton
05-29-2012, 6:33 AM
Thanks to all that have served and especially those that paid the ultimate price for our freedom. I attempted to join the Air Force for pilot school in the Vietnam war but failed the physical the first day because I was color blind, then was drafted, but failed the physical with a heart murmur. All three of our sons served - one in the Air Force, one in the Marines, and one in the Army. We are proud of them!

Baxter Smith
05-29-2012, 10:17 AM
Thanks Wally! I know that Memorial Day always meant more to my Grandfathers(Army-WWI) and father (Navy-WWII and Korea) than the general public. I always knew that I was very lucky to have been able to spend time with each of them.

Jamie Donaldson
05-29-2012, 11:09 AM
I distinctly remember several conversations we had in bunkers in Vietnam about Wally's generation being America's Greatest Generation. They were much more "deprived" of the support available to us in most combat operations, and their deployments were not defined as were ours, because many of them were in for the "duration of hostilities."

Rick Markham
05-29-2012, 2:09 PM
Thanks to all who have served (and are currently serving) to preserve our freedoms. Me and the family celebrated memorial day on Sunday by going to the World War II museum in New Orleans, and adding my Grandfather and two great uncles to the list of WWII veterans at the national museum. Pretty amazing place, and one worth visiting for anyone who ends up in the Big Easy. The piece of seawall from Utah beach in Normandy is probably one of the most understated and powerful pieces in the museum. It was a sobering experience to feel the bullet strikes and realize that good stood on one side, and evil on the other... Only God and the courage of many brave men allowed a victory over the tyranny of evil men.

Tim Rinehart
05-29-2012, 4:34 PM
Wally, a sincere thanks to you and all the men and women who serve or have served our country.

Randy Moore
05-29-2012, 4:40 PM
I can't count all the uncle's, grandfather's cousin's who have served for our freedom. I know that my Dad served in the SeaBees in Africa, I wish he was around to tell me more stories of his time.
I do want to thank aeach and every one of the men and women he have served since the beginning of this GREAT nation, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

Dale Bright
05-29-2012, 5:12 PM
Wally, thanks for your service and thanks for starting this thread. I also had some of my Navy buddies die in combat. I think of them often and especially on Memorial Day.


Sid Matheny
05-29-2012, 5:31 PM
Well I'm a day late but want to thank all those that served. Wally my dad served in the Navy in WWII mostly on subs. He is now 92 and getting around better than me and putting out an acre of garden by himself.


Kathy Marshall
05-29-2012, 11:10 PM
Wally, thank you for your service and that of all service men and women, past and present.