View Full Version : Card scraper

Mark Singer
04-02-2005, 1:57 PM
There is a lot of postings of beautiful planes at SMC...all wonderful! Just a reminder the card scraper is a great under used, humble , inexpensive tool that is a wonderful complement to the hand plane.... It is amazing what a nicely tuned scraper will do. Sandvick is an old favorite and I think they are still around.

Lamar Horton
04-02-2005, 3:01 PM
I couldn't agree more. Some of the finest finishes I have achived have been with a scraper.

Roy Wall
04-02-2005, 4:24 PM
I remember using those in High School....

I need to revisit them..

Dan Moening
04-02-2005, 4:31 PM
Card scrapers are the gateway drug to handplane addiction.

For a powertool junkie its the first, tentative step towards the slide...

Inexpensive, easy to setup, forgiving in their use.

Before you know it you're {unconsciously} changing the angle of attack, opting for slightly less burr, pushing instead of pulling, or pulling instead of pushing, using a sheer angle...

all things that help you to later understand the minutia of handplane technique.

Wonderful little critters they are....

Mike Holbrook
04-02-2005, 5:03 PM
Our friends at Lee Valley have made them even easier to use and sharpen too:


I actually even have one of the old Sandvicks that Mark mentions too. I bought it many years ago, one of my first purchases, still works.

Tom LaRussa
04-04-2005, 10:36 AM
Just a reminder the card scraper is a great under used, humble , inexpensive tool that is a wonderful complement to the hand plane.... It is amazing what a nicely tuned scraper will do.

I couldn't agree more, Mark! :)

Card scrapers are also very easy to make out of any springy steel. For example, if one were to ruin a Japanese-style pull-saw by using it to cut plywood one could make several nice scrapers out of the blade. DAMHIKT! :o

Jeff Sudmeier
04-04-2005, 10:42 AM
Thanks for the reminder! The card scraper is the first hand tool on my list :)

Bob Smalser
04-04-2005, 10:50 AM
Only slightly more sophisticated than a piece of broken glass....which also can be handy at times, believe it or not.

James Carmichael
04-04-2005, 12:08 PM
Wonderful tool and finish, but do my fingers get tired fast!

Once my Jatoba Kebiki is finished, my next tool project will likely be a scraper shave.

Of course, the way this Jatoba works, that may be awhile :eek: