View Full Version : It's an ill wind ....

Kelvin Burton
05-27-2012, 9:37 PM
A succession of hot dry summers culminating in extreme drought and heat last summer meant the end for many trees around East Texas. Yesterday we had one felled that leaned over the roof of our house. I believe it was Post Oak, they're quite common around here. Counting the rings, I believe this one was 90+ years old.

I don't normally turn oak, maybe because most of it around here ends up as firewood, but I'm looking at some of these chunks and thinking a bowl or two may be hiding inside some of these!


ray hampton
05-27-2012, 11:17 PM
good haul ,save your sawdust, can the sawdust be grind up as fine as powder sugar ? to fill cracks up with ?

Jim Burr
05-27-2012, 11:21 PM
There be bowls and stuff in your future sir! Nice grab of goodies!

Dennis Ford
05-28-2012, 8:22 AM
Kelvin, I wish you luck. Post oak is the most ornery wood that I have tried to turn. I have found two ways that have limited success:
1. boil the rough-outs, this will reduce the cracking but the wood will still warp a lot
2. turn to final (thin) thickness while green and watch it warp.

Steve Schlumpf
05-28-2012, 10:01 AM
Congrats on the wood! I have no experience with that type of Oak - so wish you luck turning it!!

Kelvin Burton
05-28-2012, 6:59 PM
I was right, there WAS a bowl in there!! :D Just 2 coats of Danish Oil so far, still thinking about what I will do next. By the way, has anyone had a can of shellac drain itself empty through the can? I just discovered today that the can I've had for about a year has emptied itself all over a counter and the floor! Can't even see a hole?

ray hampton
05-28-2012, 8:10 PM
I was right, there WAS a bowl in there!! :D Just 2 coats of Danish Oil so far, still thinking about what I will do next. By the way, has anyone had a can of shellac drain itself empty through the can? I just discovered today that the can I've had for about a year has emptied itself all over a counter and the floor! Can't even see a hole?

I see that you are in Texas, everything are suppose to be bigger in Texas except holes, if the shellac were under pressure it could force all of the liquid out a small holes, if you still got the can, fill it half way full of water [no cap on the can ] and heat it to a low boil, you will see the steam when the water drip unto the stove

Thomas Canfield
05-28-2012, 11:05 PM
Looks like a nice bowl Kelvin. Did you have a lot of problem with the tannic acid sap on your ways, or was the wood fairly dry. Oak can really be the pits with the acid and also cracking. It looks like you make out well and have a good finish going. A couple more coats of oil and buffing will give you a really nice finish, and I like to buff between coats with Tripoli.

Kelvin Burton
05-28-2012, 11:24 PM

The wood is "damp" but not wet. I had no issues with sap and so far no cracks - but time will tell! I think you are right on the finish, a low sheen from oil and buffing should be just right for this piece.

Dennis Ford
05-29-2012, 8:03 AM
It looks great!