View Full Version : Pedestal design advice needed

Jon Nuckles
05-25-2012, 5:30 PM
I turn mostly bowls, but my wife has been asking for a hollow form on a pedestal and I want to keep her happy.;)

I turned a little hollow form out of walnut with lots of voids. I have attempted a couple of maple pedestals for it, but both have broken. (The first one was turned and sanded and I reversed it and was cleaning up the bottom and pushed too hard. The second one I drilled too deep a hole to accept the tenon from the form and ended up coming too close to it when shaping the pedestal.)

I am ok with starting over a third time and am looking forward to breaking it in yet another way:rolleyes:, but I'd like some design critique on how the pedestal fits the form. The pictures below are of my two attempts (they are a little crooked because I pieced them back together for the pictures).
I think I like this design, but I wonder if an onion would be better. I don't have any holly, but this maple is pretty light. I also have some tiger maple, but wonder if it would compete with the walnut (you can't see the voids and knots in these pictures, but they are all over the other side). I could also dye the maple black.

Anyway, please tell me your thoughts on the next design.

Jamie Donaldson
05-25-2012, 5:53 PM
You're doing just fine as is! A continuation of the flow of the curve between base and vessel looks good, and a finial of the same light colored wood would complete the project. I wouldn't use any figured wood for 2 reasons, that figure competes with the vessel form, and is most likely less strong.

Dennis Ford
05-25-2012, 11:00 PM
I agree. Your design is great, keep making parts until it comes out right.

Steve Schlumpf
05-26-2012, 8:47 AM
I like the design... so stick with it. I wouldn't use the Tiger Maple because by the time you turn it thin enough, you lose almost all of the effect of the figure in the wood. Might as well save that for something where you can showcase the curl!

Looking forward to seeing the piece once it is completed!

Jon Nuckles
05-26-2012, 10:23 AM
Thanks for the replies and encouragement. I will post pictures of anything that survives!