View Full Version : The next Bar

Per Swenson
04-02-2005, 9:55 AM
Hello Folks,

Step one should be never negotiate with a commitee.
They cause delays. 3 months in fact. Funny thing, after
all that time there was no change in the design or the
price. I wonder what they discussed in those 12 weekly
meetings? Fittingly, production began on April first 2005.
A brief description, this bar is 30 foot long, front and
back raised panel construction. The top will be similar
to our last one, with a marquetry elk inlaid in the middle.
Mahogany paneled walls, and a mahogany coffered cieling.
I have never written a diary or article about what I do,
so please bear with me as I struggle between context and
content. The installments will run for the next 5 months.
The pictures below are the line drawing (drawn to scale
so its a breeze to measure of off)
The lumber yard, that is all mahogany.
The first truck load, 1500 more board feet expected mid
The first board through the woodmaster planer.
Thats it for now, stay tuned.

Mark Singer
04-02-2005, 9:58 AM

Great start! It is fun and rearding to document your work on the SMC forum....you do such great work for a young boy (avatar) or an old boy...:confused:

David Fried
04-02-2005, 11:33 AM
The last bar turned out so great I can't wait to see this one.

I notice you got the duct tape on your WoodMaster. Is it helping?

Wish I could draw like that.

Good luck and keep us posted.

Jim Becker
04-02-2005, 11:37 AM
Per, I too am looking forward to this serial bar project pictorial! I always learn a lot from projects that get documented. There are so many choices and methods available...seeing what others do helps me to understand what works better in certain situations. Thanks in advance for your kind sharing!

Bob Marino
04-02-2005, 1:12 PM

Thanks for keeping us in the loop. Where are you getting the lumber from?


Kelly C. Hanna
04-02-2005, 1:17 PM
Wow, that's a big bar!! I can't wait to follow the progress!

Per Swenson
04-02-2005, 2:33 PM
David, duct tape on the woodmaster should work
but my rates of feed ,cut and non-superindustrial
dust collector, leave quite a mess.
Even though the drawing is done with a straight edge and
pencil, I can't draw like that either. That is my father
Bobs hand.
Mr. Marino, the lumber comes from Thompson Mahogany
in Philadelphia, PA. That is a picture inside one of their sheds
It is the major importer of mahogany in the USA.

Dan Forman
04-02-2005, 3:45 PM
Per---It will be very interesting to keep up with you on a project of such a grand scale. You do beautiful work.

As for the committe, I suspect they spent that time sitting in another bar, contemplating the subtleties and nuances of it's construction, and testing it's ability to support full glasses of alcoholic beverages as well as those in various states of fullness or emptiness, depending on the psychological orientation of the individual committee members.


Corey Hallagan
04-02-2005, 5:50 PM
That is going to be sweet. Looking forward to seeing the progress!


Lou Morrissette
04-02-2005, 6:52 PM
This looks like a great project. Hope you're planning on keeping us posted along the way. Lot's to learn on a project of this magnitude.
Wow! That is some mountain of mahogany!


Jeff Sudmeier
04-03-2005, 9:13 AM
I can't wait to see that finished, it will be great!

Per Swenson
04-05-2005, 4:29 PM
Really, it was such a nice day in the North East,
so why not play in the back yard.
For you Festool junkies that is two 1400 rails and
a 800 connected together.,works fine,perfectly straight.
The plan for the next few days is to get all of the moldings
out of the way. Ripped those planks up to make 7/16 x 3/4
astragal. I make large production runs of everthing so there
aren't any problems down the road. You know,2 feet short.
Maybe small crowns tomorrow. I hope this isn't boring anybody.

Jerry Clark
04-05-2005, 6:06 PM
Thanks for sharing the procedure-- this is interesting to everyone and some steps will apply to any large project!:)

Robert Goodwin
04-05-2005, 6:55 PM
I would love to sit down at that bar and have a pint.

Keep the pics comming!


Per Swenson
04-15-2005, 2:47 PM
Hello All,

It is mid April, a perfect day for our lumber delivery.
Yes folks its all mahogany of the African variety.
Yes folks I am going to use it all.
Enjoy the photos.
The young man in the blue jacket is my
father Bob.
Soon, we will have lots of stuff on how to do this your self.
If you can build one of anything, 10 is easier.
I have a whole load of gloats for you fellas......I think
we will save them for Monday. I would also like to mention
that we will be finishing this bar with products from Target
Coatings. Using a Fuji Q4 sprayer and the advise of Mr. Jeff Weiss
President of Target. The real work begins soon.
Stay tuned.

Per Swenson
04-15-2005, 3:20 PM
You fellas don't think I actually moved that lumber myself?
Heck no. My son(middle) and his two freinds Ryan and Danny,
moved it all! Thank goodness for spring break.

Dan Forman
04-15-2005, 3:57 PM
Now that's a LOT of wood!!! You were lucky to have helpers.


Tyler Howell
04-15-2005, 4:45 PM
Looks like a good crew Per but I couldn't aford to feed them.;)

Thanks for the update.:cool:

Mike Vermeil
04-15-2005, 4:55 PM

Looks like it's going to be an awesome project.

Have you ever posted pictures of your shop on this site? I'd be interested in seeing the facility you're using to create so much cabinetry & molding work all at once.

Good luck,

Kelly C. Hanna
04-15-2005, 6:28 PM
Wow! Thats some load of wood!!!! Glad you have some gloats. I love reading them...can't wait to see what you got.

So that's what 1500 BF looks like! :D:D:D

lou sansone
04-15-2005, 8:54 PM
thanks for sharing with us the progress to date. mahogany is pretty nice to work with. I found that it was a real dusty wood though. Will you be filling it when you finish it, or sandback, or simply let it be natural? Just wondering

Per Swenson
04-15-2005, 9:02 PM
Great shop tour by the way.
This one (except for the top) we are going waterborne.
Here is the plan. wb shellac, stain, shellac, clear fill, series 8000 wb conversion varnish. They would like the look of a semi gloss piano on every thing.

Douglas Robinson
04-15-2005, 11:30 PM

I noticed your sign on your truck. I didn't realize you built the bar in the Taj Mahal. Good work.

But seriously, thanks for this great running pictorial commentary. I'd love to see a before shot of bar the site.

Good luck!


Per Swenson
04-16-2005, 1:25 AM
I suppose that would be a good Idea.
This shot does not give justice to the overall ambiance
of this soon to be former liver rotter.
Please do not let the Art deco effect fool you.
The back bar is about to crash into the front bar,
The floor is so far gone, it feels as if you are walking
on a 30 foot cheese burger. This caused the center of the
front bar to sag somewhat. Oh, but its been that way for years,
Seems its easier for Clancy to wipe up at closing.
I thought he was skimming the duck pond.

Per Swenson
04-16-2005, 1:26 AM
Silly me, forgot the picture.