View Full Version : Benjamin's HSS Tool Set?

Russell Neyman
05-24-2012, 5:31 PM
A student picked up a five-piece set of Benjamin's HSS M2 tools and asked me if I thought they were any good. They appear to be hard stainless that will hold an edge, but are on the smallish side. The assortment (roughing gouge, 3/8" bowl gouge, parting tool, skew, and 1" bullnose scraper) and the rather short handles makes me think this set is designed for spindle work and smaller projects.

He paid $50 at an estate auction, which is probably a good deal. Anyone else familiar with these? They're an upgrade from most beginners' sets, right?

Marty Eargle
05-24-2012, 6:06 PM
BB tools a great for the price, in my opinion. I got a set when I started turning and still use many of them. The handles are a little short, but manageable and one could easily put the tools in another handle if needed. Five tools for $50 used isn't that great of a deal, but decent.

If one of my more basic tools broke, I'd probably drop $20 on a new one from BB before I splurged.

Noah Barfield
05-24-2012, 6:25 PM
BB tools are sold through PSI: http://www.pennstateind.com/store/lathe-chisel-sets.html As Marty mentioned, $50 is not a great deal for a used set. I wouldn't point that out to the student, however.


Jim Burr
05-24-2012, 6:28 PM
Might also be a pen set...good sets of pen tool are common among good tool makers.

Sid Matheny
05-24-2012, 7:14 PM
That was the first set I bought when I started turning several years ago and still use some of them from time to time.


Russell Neyman
05-24-2012, 7:31 PM
Thanks, guys. That's pretty much what I surmised. I'll pass these messages along. The steel is good and holds and edge, right?

Marty Eargle
05-24-2012, 7:51 PM
Thanks, guys. That's pretty much what I surmised. The steel is good and holds and edge, right?

Pretty much just as good as most of my other HSS tools, including Crown and Sorby.

Vince Welch
05-24-2012, 10:49 PM
Hi Russell,
I beleive the steel is more what is considered a "Chinese HHS" which generally does not hold an edge like "English HHS". However, the late Phil Brennion and I years ago talked about these tools as he just loved these tool and thought they were a great deal for the price! I like them as well to a certain extent. I do not beleive they hold an edge as long as other tools but you can get some great practice sharpeneing with these tools. You can also practice different shapes and edge on your tools like double beveled edges, short grind, long grind and so on. Because they were only roughly $10 a tool these are great to start with and build confidence turning and sharpening. Vince

Michelle Rich
05-25-2012, 6:54 AM
I have used these BB tools for years..I see no difference between them & the english..

Prashun Patel
05-25-2012, 9:56 AM
(Not scientifically tested) but I believe there are good and not as good Benjamin's Best tools. I bought a 1/2" bowl gouge that held a much better edge than a subsequent 3/8" and 5/8" BB bowl gouges I bought. I think they are all still good value for the money.

Bernie Weishapl
05-25-2012, 10:37 AM
Like others I got a set of BB's when I first started turning. I still use most today. They hold a edge very well and when learning to sharpen there is not as much pain involved if you mess one up as it does when you mess up a $150 tool.

Roy Turbett
05-28-2012, 9:55 PM
I started with a BB handled set and still use them. They used to be available unhandled and I bought a set and turned some Sorby knock-off handles for them. I think they work as good as my Sorbys and don't have a problem with them holding an edge.

Dennis Puskar
05-29-2012, 12:15 AM
BB are very good tools have a set been using them for years.