View Full Version : Curly Maple and a Finial Opinion Needed.....

Wally Dickerman
05-24-2012, 12:49 PM
This Curly maple piece has two possible finials. One is one that I've done before and is similar to a Keith Burns finial. The other I've use a lot also. The lid has a piece of abalone shell in the bottom. Which would be your choice, one of these two or neither one?

The vessel is 8 inches in dia. The finials are ebony. I've added some beads near the rim. Finish is Daly's Tung oil. C and C welcome.

Don Alexander
05-24-2012, 12:53 PM
i actually like them both but would choose picture 2 if forced to make a choice

thats a very nice piece , Wally

Dale Miner
05-24-2012, 12:59 PM

My second thought was for you to box the whole shebang up, send it to me, and I will evaluated them for a few years and send back the finial that doesn't seem to work the best.

Or, the first reaction is that I like the second finial best.

Just my opinion: I think that the onion bulb might have been a bit more pleasing if it was more bulbous and not quite as flame shaped. I think the longer flame shape works better on a form with a taller height to diameter ratio.

Killer piece of wood and form, and either finial works. I just prefer the more traditional shape.

Eric Holmquist
05-24-2012, 1:00 PM
Like Don, I struggle to choose. I like them both, but would lean towards the middle picture. Nice form and figure, and the detail on the bottom of the lid with the Abalone is a nice touch.

John Keeton
05-24-2012, 1:50 PM
Well, I like the shape of #2 best, but for me, it is a bit heavy and for that reason only, I like #1. Love the form, though - fantastic wood!

Roger Chandler
05-24-2012, 1:52 PM
Beautiful piece, Wally........both finials are super nice with this form.........I would go with the Burns style for effect, and the other one, which is beautiful as well seems to look a bit taller, and the exclamation point seems to make a statement on that beautifully curled wood..............like, here .........just take a look at that!!!

Nice bead detail on the collar..........you have not lost your touch, that is for sure!

Ken Fitzgerald
05-24-2012, 1:57 PM
I like the piece and prefer the Burns style finial. Gorgeous wood on the HF and I like what you did with it Wally!

Jim Burr
05-24-2012, 2:53 PM
I'm no help...they are both great!

Pete Jordan
05-24-2012, 3:22 PM
I like it all 3 ways but prefer without finial.

David DeCristoforo
05-24-2012, 4:16 PM
Sometimes I hate these "which one do you like better" questions. All three versions look great. And, as Pete said, it would still look great with no lid/finial at all. It really comes down to what you are trying to say with it because it makes a completely different statement depending on which lid you put on it. Maybe you should offer it with both. Then one could change it up every now and then...

Dennis Ford
05-24-2012, 7:24 PM
It does look great with either. The raised beads are very nice, I really like those. I will vote for the "Burns style" finial mostly because it is different from the norm.

Deane Allinson
05-24-2012, 7:46 PM
Nice form, I like the #1 finial best it lowers the eye to the opening. It has a better balance to my eye.

Baxter Smith
05-24-2012, 7:58 PM
Since it is always good to give the customer a choice, maybe you could let them choose! I like it all three ways Wally but seem to lean toward the exclamation point. In the last picture, the finial seems to dominate the form to some extent. Although it doesn't appear to be taller or have a great deal more mass, it somehow seems to take my eye off the form a bit. Perhaps it is just because I am used to looking at skinny ones in a similar style. Very pretty either way you cut it!

Curt Fuller
05-24-2012, 8:14 PM
I believe I would get ahold of another piece of the curly maple and turn another hollowform so you could use both finials. They're both so nice that there really isn't a choice of what would be better.

Bernie Weishapl
05-24-2012, 10:09 PM
Wally that is a beautiful piece. Actually I like both finials with it but my eye keeps going to the 2nd picture.

Kathy Marshall
05-24-2012, 10:37 PM
Thats a great looking piece Wally! That curly maple is just gorgeous! I can't decide which I like better, I think they both look great. If you held a gun to my head, I might choose the 1st one, but then again it might be the 2nd.

Wally Dickerman
05-25-2012, 12:36 AM
Thanks everyone for your comments. The informal poll seems to run about even for the 2 finials. I may just turn a new slimmed down version of #2 and see how that looks.

I've thought of turning a bunch of finials of different styles and sizes. Then when I turn a new vessel that calls for a finial I'll have several to choose from

Bill Wyko
05-25-2012, 2:42 AM
I have to say, each way has its own personality. Can't really go wrong. Nice job Wally.

Philip Duffy
05-25-2012, 5:50 AM
Wally, NR 1 for certain. Phil

Michelle Rich
05-25-2012, 6:46 AM
Either...to solve this problem, just make another hf and use both!