View Full Version : "Acorn Tea"

Alan Trout
05-23-2012, 10:25 PM
This is the latest in my acorn cap series of pieces. I have been working on this piece since the first week of April and just finished it last night. I have been wanting to do a tea kettle for some time. This is a fairly literal interpretation of the tea kettles that I remember from my childhood. Tea for me growing up in South Texas was something that was put over ice. Most family's brewed their tea in the sun in a large glass pickle jar. However in inclement weather sun tea could not be made so you had to boil your water. I remember those large domed tea kettles sitting on every family's stove.

This piece was not intended to be a delicate, dainty, tea pot. It is a kettle in scale and dimension. It is a little over 7" high and a little over 9 1/2" total width. For me this was a fairly difficult piece to make just because of all of the processes. The main body is Live Oak acorn caps cast in my teal blue resin. The body was left at 3/16" thick which is a little thicker so that it could accommodate blind dowels in the handle and a hollow blind dowel for the spout. The base, handle, spout, and lid are all from the same piece or Live Oak burl cast is the same pigmented resin. The base is about 1/4" at the center but the bottom was turned at a concave to the full thickness at the edge. While this does make it a little heavy it really shows off the piece of wood from the bottom side. It is a beautiful piece of wood that I wanted to be able to be viewed with maximum effect if desired. I call it "Acorn Tea".

I will be taking this piece to the National Symposium for the instant gallery.

As always cheers and jeers are welcome.


Roger Chandler
05-23-2012, 10:30 PM
Awesome work Alan............your creativity is seems to know no limits! Beautifully done!

Steve Vaughan
05-23-2012, 10:34 PM
WOW! That is just beautiful!

Baxter Smith
05-23-2012, 10:35 PM
That is so cool Alan! Can't wait to see it in person! Can't quite figure out if I love the tip of the spout but the rest is beautiful!

Alan Trout
05-23-2012, 10:44 PM

The spout is one of those things you have to see in person. The wood goes to the end on the other side so it has a completely different feel in person. And thanks to everyone for the compliments.


Jim Burr
05-23-2012, 10:52 PM
That is such a departure from your usual cool stuff Alan! I look forward to seeing it!

Kathy Marshall
05-23-2012, 11:02 PM
Beautiful Tea Kettle Alan! I love the color of your blue resin.

Bernie Weishapl
05-23-2012, 11:52 PM
Beautiful Alan. I love the color.

Rick Markham
05-24-2012, 12:34 AM
That's amazing Alan! Too cool!!!

John Keeton
05-24-2012, 6:10 AM
Great process and great color, Alan, as are all your pieces. I would have to admit that I am not a teapot fan (hope the Gibsons will forgive me!), so I would prefer your other vase forms. Beautifully done, nonetheless!

Michelle Rich
05-24-2012, 6:36 AM
Stunning color..fantastic vessel!!!

Doug W Swanson
05-24-2012, 8:27 AM
Beautiful! Your work always amazes me, Alan....

Pete Jordan
05-24-2012, 9:03 AM
One of the coolest ever!

Steve Schlumpf
05-24-2012, 9:03 AM
Beautiful work Alan! Did not expect to see a teapot... but it sure works for me! Love the colors and how you included a lot of natural wood in this piece! I am sure it will be a major hit at the symposium!! Thanks for sharing!

Alan Trout
05-24-2012, 9:22 AM
Thanks everyone, I always enjoy making these pieces.

I would have to admit that I am not a teapot fan (hope the Gibsons will forgive me!

I don't do a lot or repeats so I am always looking for something else to do with the techniques. For me a tea kettle is at the height of useless turnings. What I mean by this, is it will never, and can never be used for what the form dictates. This is what attracted me to the idea. It is whimsical in concept alone so you can do a literal interpretation and it still has that whimsical feel.

While I enjoy the practical, utilitarian items that people make. And I see and appreciate the "Art" in utilitarian pieces, that was not what attracted me to turning. The items that were to "look at only" are what have always intrigued me the most, and what has drawn me to turning.

Again Thanks,


Eric Holmquist
05-24-2012, 11:04 AM
I am always amazed by your resin / acorn cap designs, and this is no exception. I think someday I shall try a teapot, but doubt that I wlll be fooling with resing acorn cap concept, I love the look of it, but I get tired just thinking about trying it.