View Full Version : Big Gloat (s) .. for me

Lee Koepke
05-23-2012, 12:14 PM
I picked up my new (to me) JET 1642 last night .... got it toted to the basement and put back together!!!! I ran it once, just to see how nice it is to have variable speed options, cant wait to mess up my shop this weekend!!! The guy included a custom vacuum attachment for when I end up with a vac-chuck set up.

Also a mini-gloat, you can see my brand new SN2 chuck as well, since the one I currently own would not fit the new spindle --- that one is truly stealthy, since my LOML didnt realize I bought that too :D

Now she fears she will NEVER see me......


Russell Eaton
05-23-2012, 12:23 PM
It looks well taken care of Lee. Congrats on the "new" lathe. I know you will like it a lot. I LOVE mine and still use it even with the 3520 in the shop. Be careful and have lots of FUN!

charlie knighton
05-23-2012, 12:56 PM
congratulations, enjoy

Ken Glass
05-23-2012, 1:26 PM
Nice Jet Lathe. It looks new. Don't you love the smell of new iron in the morning, Ahh!! Now get a thread adapter for the old chuck and don't tell about that either.....

John Keeton
05-23-2012, 1:31 PM
Congrats, Lee! That is an exceptionally well kept machine and should be no different than a new one.

Lee Koepke
05-23-2012, 1:36 PM
Thanks! He was moving on to a dedicated bowl turning lathe, he's a hobbyist guy like me, and his machines were all impeccable so I felt pretty good about this machine. Now, I cant help but think how small my RIKON mini is, compared to this.

Roger Chandler
05-23-2012, 2:58 PM
Now, that will get your blood pumpin'! :D Looks like a new one, and all he has done is get the new worked out of it...........you should be good to go! +1 on getting that spindle adapter for your old chuck.......you can use both on the new lathe, and you really don't have to tell ...................:eek::D

Steve Busey
05-23-2012, 3:08 PM
Good to see another Jet in "Jeorgia"! Enjoy!

Jim Burr
05-23-2012, 3:18 PM
Great gloat for anyone Lee!! You'll love that chuck too!

Gary Max
05-23-2012, 3:35 PM
Great score------as another member slides deeper into the vortex.

Mike Cruz
05-23-2012, 3:52 PM
Congrats! And I'm sure you'll love that lathe. I've turned on one, and it is solid!

Jim Underwood
05-23-2012, 4:37 PM
Yep. You'll like that variable speed, the extra HP, and the extra weight. I know I did, when I upgraded from my 1014.

Of course, eventually your eyes will start wandering, and then the Robust or VicMarc or Oneway will start looking better.. :p

Alan Trout
05-23-2012, 5:27 PM
That's a nice gloat. Congratulations


Mike Cruz
05-23-2012, 6:01 PM
Jim, I never understood why turners always say that you never get a "forever" lathe. Now I do. I don't care if you get a Robust AM. Some years down the line, you'll be eyeing the "new" model...

Lee Koepke
05-23-2012, 7:28 PM
Ha...mike, how about we call this a " for awhile" lathe.... This one outta do me awhile...
I also realized that I now need larger templates for bandsawing blanks....at least cardboard is free..

Greg Just
05-23-2012, 9:04 PM
That's what I call a great gloat. I have the same lathe and love it. For about $20, you can replace the spindle adaptor on the SN2. Have fun with the new toy!

Donny Lawson
05-23-2012, 9:50 PM
Thats a great gloat. Congrats.

Bernie Weishapl
05-23-2012, 11:57 PM
Congrats on a great machine and chuck.

Michael E. Thompson
05-24-2012, 9:14 AM
Congrats! Same machine and chuck I have. You will enjoy. One of the biggest things I noticed when I upgraded is the stability.

Steve Schlumpf
05-24-2012, 9:24 AM
Congrats!! Great lathe! You are going to love it!!

Rich Aldrich
05-24-2012, 2:28 PM
Congrats you will love it. And you have a long weekend to mess up the shop real nice. I have had mine for two years and love it.

John W Dixon
05-24-2012, 2:34 PM
The 1642 is a great lathe. That one looks like brand new, so get it dirty already. LOL

Baxter Smith
05-24-2012, 8:27 PM
Congrats on the "new" lathe. Hope it doesn't stay looking new too much longer!

Kathy Marshall
05-24-2012, 11:06 PM
Congrats Lee! Nice gloat!