View Full Version : Wood Gloat

Mike Svoma
05-22-2012, 1:45 PM
I stopped by to see my local woodpusher (Jeff Nicol) and he "forced" me to go home with a few pieces of wood. I just happened to stop by when he was cleaning out the back room to make room for a new/old horizontal mill that picked up from craigs list. It is really nice to have a friend like Jeff. Biggest heart in the world and graciuos to a fault.

Tim Rinehart
05-22-2012, 2:31 PM
Very nice indeed to have a local guy like Jeff around. That generosity doesn't surprise me one bit. Can't wait to hear about what kind of old arn he got. So...what's the first piece you're thinking of from all the wood loot??

Mike Svoma
05-22-2012, 4:41 PM
Very nice indeed to have a local guy like Jeff around. That generosity doesn't surprise me one bit. Can't wait to hear about what kind of old arn he got. So...what's the first piece you're thinking of from all the wood loot??

Lots of spalted maple in there. I will be using it for birdhouse ornaments and bottle stoppers. I am in the middle of a big table project that will take me most of the summer so I probably won't be able to work with any of this until fall. Oh well, it's just nice to know that it is there when I need it.

John Keeton
05-22-2012, 6:03 PM
Having seen Jeff's shop, I am betting there is still plenty of wood around!!! And, he has the place in the country where he has some more "stash". Jeff is a super nice fellow and I am jealous you are so close.

Bernie Weishapl
05-22-2012, 6:40 PM
Mike great load of wood. Jeff is top notch in my books and always willing to share both wood, tools and knowledge.

Steve Schlumpf
05-22-2012, 6:46 PM
Making room for a new tool?? Figures... Congrats on the wood! Hope both you and Jeff are doing well!

Mike Svoma
05-22-2012, 9:36 PM
Making room for a new tool?? Figures... Congrats on the wood! Hope both you and Jeff are doing well!

Jeff can explain about his new toy. Can't wait to start in on this new wood stash. Now is the time to prepare for my son's college graduation and my daughter's high school graduation. We are doing great, Steve. Thanks.

Mike Cruz
05-22-2012, 9:57 PM
Great haul, Mike! Jeff is a generous sort, isn't he? Seems kind odd that I have sent him wood when he has so much. Enjoy all that stuff, Mike. And show us what you do with it!

Baxter Smith
05-22-2012, 10:57 PM
Looks like a very nice assortment. A lot to look forward to!

Kathy Marshall
05-23-2012, 12:31 AM
That's a great haul Mike! Looks like a lot of nice wood. Having been on the receiving end of Jeff's generosity, I can confirm what a great guy he is!