View Full Version : Phil Brennion passed away, God be with him.

Bill Wyko
05-21-2012, 1:31 PM
Phil Brennion was a remarkable turner, probably more talented than any of us. He was a quadriplegic and still turned out pieces as fine as any of us, if not better. Phil had gone to a chiropractor for a simple adjustment and came out a quadriplegic. A truly tragic disaster in his life. But he didn't let that stop him from turning. And not only a turner, he was a sculpture as well, and a darn good one too. When I look at his work, I realize that to be the finest at what you do, it comes down to having a passion that is powerful enough to overcome any obstacle. This man is an example of strength, passion and perseverance beyond anyone I have ever known. Paulo from Glaser called me today with a heavy heart to tell me the news. He was also the one that introduced me to Phil's works of art a while back. Paulo was a friend of his and an admirer of his work.
I'd like you all to take a moment to say a prayer for Phil and at the same time, thank God for this wonderful talent we so enjoy. We all take for granted sometimes the gift we have, lets be thankful for the skills, the friends and those that have blessed us with inspiration such as Phil. God bless you Phil, you will be missed.

Here's a link to his website and I've included a youtube video of Phil turning on his Oneway sit down lathe, it brings tears of inspiration to my eyes. What an incredible man.



Pete Jordan
05-21-2012, 1:44 PM
Thanks for sharing!

Rest in Peace

Rick Markham
05-21-2012, 6:24 PM
RIP Phil! Looks like he made some pretty amazing pieces.

Bernie Weishapl
05-21-2012, 8:49 PM
RIP Phil. Thoughts and prayers with the family.