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charlie knighton
05-20-2012, 7:01 PM
friday was Piedmont Arts Expressions 2012 opening

i was fortunate to win 3rd place award in the Drawing & Graphics catagory

btw, if you get a chance the show is open til july 7, and they are taking votes from any visitors til then for People's Choice Award

Steve Schlumpf
05-20-2012, 8:46 PM
Congrats Charlie!! Always great news when a fellow Creeker gets recognized for their work!! Good luck with the Best of Show award!!

Bernie Weishapl
05-20-2012, 9:20 PM
Congrats Charlie. Nice to see your work recognized. Good luck on best of show.

Rick Markham
05-21-2012, 3:12 AM
Congrats Charlie! Good luck on best of show! Let us know if you win. (The turtles are my favorite on this one)

Bob Rotche
05-21-2012, 7:00 AM
Congratulations Charlie! That's awesome!

Baxter Smith
05-21-2012, 8:23 AM
Congrats Charlie. Good luck with the peoples choice award!