View Full Version : What Happened to the Peach Stump

Baxter Smith
05-19-2012, 10:35 PM
A couple days ago, I took some cell phone pictures to send my cousin and thought you might be interested.

Sometime last summer, my cousin had cut the top off one of his peach trees. This spring he used his backhoe to pull out the stump and saved it for me. I brought it back to Delaware a little over a month ago. Decided it was about time to do something with it so pulled it out of the woods.
Dulled three chains on good:rolleyes: Maine rocks before it was ready to mount on the lathe. The bottom was not solid and partly rotten so Jerry Marcantels chuck plate was the perfect solution.
I had considered trying an endgrain NE form but there was too much endgrain from the roots and the blank was just too unbalanced to turn it fast enough. Did a little trimming with a chainsaw then got back to turning.
By the time I had turned away most of the rot, things had gotten smaller.
Cut the trunk into some blanks and a couple of bowls.
They are now in storage.

Comments and suggestions are always welcome!:)

Bernie Weishapl
05-19-2012, 11:05 PM
Those turned out pretty cool Baxter. HF ought be nice when finished.

Kathy Marshall
05-19-2012, 11:31 PM
Looks like a great start! Nice grain in that wood, they should look great when they're finished.

John Keeton
05-20-2012, 6:38 AM
I have often been tempted with stump wood, but just couldn't stand the thought of all the dirt and rock in them!! Looks like this one may be worth the effort, Baxter! I am somewhat surprised at the prominent grain pattern - thought it would be more bland.

Jim Underwood
05-20-2012, 9:18 AM
Oh... John, you'd like the Peach. It looks like Cherry (maybe a little lighter), but smells like Peaches. And it turns nice!

I have several trunks on the ground that need cut up and turned now... I'll get to it one of these days...

Steve Vaughan
05-20-2012, 9:54 AM
Looking forward to seeing the finished product! Looking good so far!

charlie knighton
05-20-2012, 10:13 AM
peachie, looks good so far Baxter, i have never turned any peach so will be waiting for finished form

Steve Schlumpf
05-20-2012, 10:39 AM
Going to be really cool looking once it is finished!

Baxter Smith
05-20-2012, 1:48 PM
Thanks for looking!

....... I am somewhat surprised at the prominent grain pattern - thought it would be more bland.
This is the third peach tree I have turned John and the grain pattern definitely seems more pronounced. It has all turned the same(wonderfully) and been equally prone to cracking.:(

peachie, looks good so far Baxter, i have never turned any peach so will be waiting for finished form
Charlie, it turns great and is very pretty. Not always such great results when drying for me!:eek:

Jim Burr
05-20-2012, 4:56 PM
That is going to be some fun stuff! I love the symmetric look of the HF...great use of what others would use for firewood!