View Full Version : Simplicity #3

David DeCristoforo
05-18-2012, 7:03 PM
After having kind of blown #2, I went back for another crack at it. After the first one, I had a thought that it might be easier with a form that was not so tall and larger in diameter. Just in case anyone wants to know, it wasn't! Blending these curves into a simple flowing line is far more of a challenge that I ever thought it would be. Even when you think it's perfect, another look and you see where it could be sweetened up a bit more. This one was on and off the lathe at least a dozen times. After the stem got thinned down, the torque from the lightest cut or even just from sanding was threatening to break it and I ended up "reverse chucking" it using "cole" jaws (AKA "knuckle busters"). I left the tenon for the collet chuck on the bottom and I flipped it around several times trying to get the curve just right. Still can't tell if I nailed it or not because my eyes start crossing every time I look at it...


Baxter Smith
05-18-2012, 7:27 PM
Great piece David! I do believe youv'e got it though I can see what you mean about feeling crosseyed. The top curve is a little difficult to tell without a perfect profile view.

mike ash
05-18-2012, 7:44 PM
Now that's a beauty DD!!! I love the form and the colors you've achieved (I assume you've got some dye's in the scheme).

Just Beautiful!!

Roger Chandler
05-18-2012, 7:48 PM
From the pics, it sure looks like you nailed it David. Those curves sweep without any flat spots or bumps...........I can see why one might go cross-eyed with that one. Great fade on the color and pretty finish............simple is not always easy, as you can attest.............

This is a fine form.........a credit to your skill and your collection of finely crafted art pieces........congratulations again, DD! :)

Jim Underwood
05-18-2012, 7:48 PM
I hate it when the torque just twists things off, don't you?

Nice work... I did tell you though, that these simple things sometimes are the hardest... Those curves have to be perfect.

Dennis Ford
05-18-2012, 8:08 PM
It looks to me like you nailed it, the curve is sweet! The colors look great too.

Sid Matheny
05-18-2012, 8:12 PM
Now this one is more to my liking! The last just didn't do much for me but this seems to just fit!!


Bernie Weishapl
05-18-2012, 8:17 PM
Beautiful piece DD. Really like the form and color.

Wally Dickerman
05-18-2012, 8:23 PM
From where I sit it looks like a good curve....I always look at a form upsidedown to confirm whether or not the form is what I thought it was. Have you tried that?

David DeCristoforo
05-18-2012, 8:31 PM
"...look at a form upsidedown...Have you tried that?"

I did that Wally... but I can't seem to stand on my head for very long anymore. I think that might have been why my head started hurting. So I tried it lying sideways on the floor but then the form wouldn't sit level.

Allan Ferguson
05-18-2012, 8:32 PM
Very nice and truly a challenge to do right. I like it. i And it would be great to see in person.

Steve Schlumpf
05-18-2012, 9:11 PM
Very cool! Love the colors!

Fred Belknap
05-18-2012, 9:18 PM
I really like the curve but it looks awful frail.

John Keeton
05-18-2012, 9:34 PM
Having never tried one of these, I dare comment! This one is much better than the last, and the curves seem to meld well. I assume there will be another, and I wonder how it would do with a little less diameter on the top flare? And, as Baxter noted, it is difficult to tell without a straight on profile shot, but I assume you have the point of smallest diameter at the 1/3 mark.

Great color and the burl looks to be very nice! What are the dimensions?

Rick Markham
05-18-2012, 9:59 PM
Double D, I think you got this one, I flows beautifully, and what a spectacular job on the color. Super nice piece, it sounds like it might have come from the same tree as the one I am working on... it is refusing to cooperate and is on it's 5th finish, and tweaking. :o I like where you are going with these, I too am hoping to see a another one!

David DeCristoforo
05-18-2012, 9:59 PM
In my haste, I forgot.... Sorry. It's 7" at the rim and 9" tall... not quite the "golden mean". Maple burl "bell" and base, bubinga stem. Dyed of course... FWIW, here's a "head on" shot


John W Dixon
05-18-2012, 11:27 PM
David I love this piece! It really triggers something for me.

Scott Hackler
05-18-2012, 11:30 PM
A very nice piece that exhibits a very nice ....smooth curve. The coloring is also very nice. I don't know how you can take this form much further, as it would be hard to improve on this simple shape. Nice work.

David DeCristoforo
05-19-2012, 12:33 PM
"I don't know how you can take this form much further..."

But I haven't made a blue one yet...

jwjerry w kowalski
05-19-2012, 6:57 PM
I like this one much better than the 1st, and the color scheme is really complimentary to the piece, looks like an extermely difficult piece to get the proportions right, nice job, all of your turnings are extraordinary.

Kathy Marshall
05-20-2012, 12:06 AM
Beautiful piece David! This is definitely my favorite of the series. Love the color job and I'll be waiting to see the blue one!

Eric Gourieux
05-20-2012, 12:18 AM
Wow! That's what I keep saying to myself. Wow! You skills are very obvious. I love the form, curves and coloring. I'd love to spend a few days just watching you at the lathe.

Bill Wyko
05-20-2012, 12:23 AM
I always know I'm in for a treat when I see a post from you David. Another superb job my friend.

David DeCristoforo
05-20-2012, 2:26 PM
Many thanx to all who took the time to look and comment.....

Rich Aldrich
05-20-2012, 4:53 PM
If you can't tell you nailed it, we can't tell you didnt. Really nice work.

Rick Markham
05-20-2012, 5:09 PM
Wow, three pieces too. That increases the complexity... I agree there should be a blue one! :D