View Full Version : Powermatic 3520A Price Question

Bernie Kopfer
05-17-2012, 8:24 AM
I have an opportunity to purchase a 3520 model A lathe and have a couple of questions. The lathe has been minimally used, and for the last few years has sat in a heated shop gathering dust. The present owner does not know how to use it. Does sitting like this harm the motor or electronics in any way? What is a reasonable price to offer for this lathe. And my main question , what are the major differences between a 10 year old 3520A and a new 3520B. Simply because the price might be good does not entice me to not get what I want for the long haul. Thanks for your help.

david brum
05-17-2012, 11:14 AM
Here's a description of the 3520a (http://www.gulfcoastwoodturners.org/RESOURCES/Powermatic%203520A.pdf). Here's a couple of paragraphs from Powermatic about the differences between the 3520b (http://www.powermatic.com/Products.aspx?Part=1352001)and previous models. I can't think of any reason why the motor or vdf would be harmed by sitting idle inside. Do look for deep pitting or rust on the beds. The main thing that would bug me about the older model is the non-hollow tail stock spindle. That's a handy feature, but you could probably find a newer replacement or have the old one bored.

Since the new ones are around $4k, a ten year old model should be worth $1500-2000. Anything less is a bona fide steal.

Van Huskey
05-17-2012, 3:04 PM
I wouldn't be worried about a motor of VFD kept in a climate controlled area. If it is a shop where sawdust has been routinely made over the time by other machines I would want to blow out the motor and clean up the VFD before powering up. I would want to see it under power though.

As for the differences in the a and b models you might want to ask it over in the turning forum, although quite a few tuners come to this forum as well a lot of them rarely visit.

Kevin W Johnson
05-17-2012, 5:12 PM
I seem to recall being told that the bed is thicker on the B model..... thus the extensions are not compatible between the two.

Sid Matheny
05-17-2012, 6:31 PM
The A does not have a read out for the RPM's.


Bernie Kopfer
05-17-2012, 8:21 PM
Thanks for the information. I'll see if the owner really wants to sell. does not sound like there is good reason not to obtain the A if the price is right.

Bernie Kopfer
05-19-2012, 8:39 AM
Went and saw the lathe with a woodturner friend of mine. Turns out the owner and my friend were both the same age (84) so they got on very well exchanging stories and notes about life. The owner had a great deal of old cedar and walnut around his shop so my friend was able to get a few pieces and will go back to buy more. The lathe was in good condition, but w/o any chucks and only one live center. Whoever had used it apparently didn't know how to use a morse taper because of the teeth mark on the spindle etc. The motor and electronics worked fine, smooth and quiet. The beds were rust free but micro pitted due to lack of use and care, but not a deal breaker. Probably worth a grand or so. But once the owner got to talking to us about using the lathe and what could be done with it he became very reluctant to part with it. I kinda had to chuckle, he probably never will use it because of the expense in getting set up and no idea how or what to get. But he should continue to dream and plan because it will keep him young and going. As for me i will continue to hope and plan for a 3520B. Someday! Thanks again for the input guys.

Van Huskey
05-19-2012, 4:27 PM
Sometimes when they back out it drives me nuts, sometimes I realize it prevents buyers remorse! Sometimes or dreams are worth more to us than the reality of cash, something better will come around!