View Full Version : cocobolo

Harry Goodwin
03-31-2005, 6:39 PM
Well, recent threads sure take the joy out of a beautiful wood. (cocobolo) Does Kingwood also have the same warning labels. I have pens made of kingwood and enjoyed the result. Thanks

Andy London
03-31-2005, 9:39 PM
Kingwood is also in the rosewood family, different woods have different effects on people, some woods in the rosewood family may cause you problems whereas other may not....there isn't really a yes or no answer.

I love working with Kingwood and Cocobolo and have no problems at all, of all the woods I can't go near, is White Pine. I cough, scratch and have problems for at least two days, even ripping a board on the tablesaw.


Harry Goodwin
03-31-2005, 9:51 PM
Thanks Andy. I'm no real friend of pine either. I didn't realize all those problems that some have came from rosewood. I have increased the Dust collection three fold and that has helped me. I never turn pine so that caugh is prevented. Thanks Harry

Jeff Sudmeier
04-01-2005, 8:20 AM
Each person reacts to each different environment change differently. I for one do not itch when I get into Nettles(Those pesky stinging plants). My cousin on the other hand looks like he got into poison ivy!!

Even though I don't react too badly to nettles, I don't go running through them. It's the same way with Cocobolo, use some precasions. If you want to know if you are alergic, cut a peice, with good dust collection and then pick up some of the dust and rub it on a small spot of your skin. It should let you know.

Harry Goodwin
04-01-2005, 5:50 PM
Thank you both for the help. Harry

James Carmichael
04-01-2005, 6:34 PM
Another pine-allergic here, in fact, most connifers, which is why we have an artificial Christmas tree.

Glad I saw that about cocobolo, I've got a 2x2 blank from Woodcraft.

Anybody got a link to an article or anything documenting which tropicals carry this hazard, and what precautions to take?