View Full Version : You ain't gonna' believe this!

John Miliunas
03-31-2005, 6:34 PM
Yup. Last evening. I went and did it. Hope you're sitting down. Yeah, I fired up the lathe!:eek: One of the girls at the office was having a B-day party and supplying us with food, so I didn't want to go empty-handed. Chucked up a piece of Cedar and it promptly self-destructed! :( OK. Put another one up there and a repeat of the first!:mad: Found a chunk of Maple I had, threw it on the faceplate, re-sharpened the gouge and actually made something! Nothing special and boy, am I rusty! :o That, plus I found that my dern arthritis is certainly worse than it was the last time I hit the "on" switch. (It did prompt me to call the Dr. office today for a referral for a consult with a surgeon!) Anyhow, in the end, out came a little potpourri bowl. Sorry for the pic quality, but just kind of grabbed a couple shots on my way out the door in the morning. Thanks for taking a peak and try not to beat me up too much!:p :) :cool:

Jerry Clark
03-31-2005, 6:43 PM
John, I like the shape and form! How did you turn the top, Do I need another tool to do that?? :rolleyes: LOL Great job.:D

Gary Max
03-31-2005, 7:18 PM
Heck I am proud that you found the lathe.
Great job John.

Michael Pfau
03-31-2005, 8:35 PM
Hi John
The bowl looks great! Those kind of gifts beat running to walmart anyday!

Mark Singer
03-31-2005, 9:00 PM

Great job!!! This is what i am talking about...really great proportions and design.!!

John Miliunas
03-31-2005, 9:14 PM
Thanks guys!:o It really did feel pretty good to get back on it and I was able to work through the pain (for the most part...). Mark, the "design", like so many of my turnings, was something which simply evolved quite dynamically. I kept modifying it a bit here and there until "it felt good". Musta' done OK, 'cuz the recipient liked the piece and it now holds a prominent place in her work space.:) Hmmmm...Sometimes it really is the small joys in life, which add so much to the "ride"!:cool:

Don Henthorn Smithville, TX
03-31-2005, 10:19 PM
Now that you have broken the ice try to swim a little. You just need to exercise those arthritic joints a little more.

John Miliunas
03-31-2005, 10:52 PM
Now that you have broken the ice try to swim a little. You just need to exercise those arthritic joints a little more.

Don, I wish it were that simple! No, with this garbage I have, even the specialist told me the LESS I do with it, the better, 'cuz it's bone-on-bone; BOTH hands! That's why the upcoming consult with a surgeon. In the meantime, I just try to work through it as best I can. Some days are better than others and one tries to take advantage of those days.:) Thanks for the positive thoughts anyway, though!:) :cool:

Jim Ketron
03-31-2005, 11:37 PM
Nice potpourri bowl John Ol Buddy!
Hope your hand Gets better Buddy;)
Take care of yourself!

John Hart
04-01-2005, 7:18 AM
Nice bowl John...congratulations for getting back to it. Remember, Turning is great arthritis therapy...especially when it stings!:eek: Maybe you should try a big piece of lopsided Ash or something...That really hurts!

John Miliunas
04-01-2005, 7:38 AM
Nice bowl John...congratulations for getting back to it. Remember, Turning is great arthritis therapy...especially when it stings!:eek: Maybe you should try a big piece of lopsided Ash or something...That really hurts!

Thanks John, but I think I may have the rough stuff part covered; A good friend of mine, gifted me with a LOT of Black Locust last year. I don't think that even Ash will compare to the toughness of this stuff!!!:D Sure look pretty once done, though!:) :cool:

Barry Horner
04-01-2005, 7:55 AM
Very nice and creative piece of work. Sorry to hear about the arthritis. I injured my Right arm pulled something lifting weights a few years ago. I could not use my arm or close my hand for almost a year.

Once I could use it again I noticed that arthritis had set in to my hand.

I exercise it everyday now and it seems to be helping a lot, but still very stiff at times. I can feel your pain. Hope you can get it under control. Barry


Blake McCully
04-01-2005, 8:05 AM
Great looking pot. Where do you get the pewter (that's what it looks like) insert for the top?

Hope you can get something done for your arthritis.

Good luck.

Tyler Howell
04-01-2005, 8:31 AM
Very nice as always neighbor;) .

You better get some rest. I'll be over to pick up all those nasty toyls that cause you so much pain.:rolleyes:

John Miliunas
04-01-2005, 8:38 AM
Thanks again, guys.:)

Blake, you can pick those up at almost any WW supply house. I got the one pictured from LV. PSI, Woodcraft and most any of the turning supply houses carry them. Last I looked, there was a choice of four different ones, including my favorite, being a humming bird scene. Not real expensive, either.:)

Tyler, your most sincere offer of generosity is only surpassed by your sense of humor! In other words, very funny, bud, though I think I'll pass this time around!:D :) :cool:

Jeff Sudmeier
04-01-2005, 8:45 AM
John, I am shocked! I always new you had TWO lathes, but I never knew that they worked!

Great to hear you got back on that horse!

Good luck with your consult, I truely hope that the gifted hand surgeon will fix you right up!