View Full Version : a finishing question

Russell Eaton
05-11-2012, 8:25 AM
I have a hollow form with walnut finish. It is going to be used as a funeral urn. My friend wants a gloss finish on it. I wonder what would work better, WTF or lacquer? I have never tried this method before, and the funeral is Sunday. Thanks for any help. Russell

Bill Davis
05-11-2012, 9:03 AM
I am a fan of spraying lacquer. Reasons...
1. It dries quickly allowing application of several coats in a day to achieve a good build.
2. It does not require a lot of between coat sanding - only enough to remove major blemishes that will not cover.
3. In my experience whatever final sheen you want can be achieved by wet sanding after the final coat has completely cured.

Your time frame seems a little short for multiple coat build-up, curing and wet sanding.

Here's (http://wmodavis.blogspot.com/2009/05/finished-speakers.html) a project I did using 6 sprayed coats of lacquer and lots of elbow grease (easier on flat surfaces for sure).

Prashun Patel
05-11-2012, 9:29 AM
Buy a can of rattle can shellac or Deft finish or Minwax spray lacquer from the BORG. All three are easy to apply (I'm partial to the two latter lacquers over shellac when spraying from a can), will dry very fast, and will get you to gloss in a 1/2 day.

John Keeton
05-11-2012, 10:18 AM
Russell, the shellac and lacquer are good choices, but I have been able to build a substantial finish with the WTF in an hour or so, including buffing and waxing - assuming good weather. Don't buff over 750rpm. Dry sand with 600 after about 5 coats (1/2 hour or so total with 5 coats), apply 5-6 more and dry sand with 600, then 1200, then buff. I apply it with a piece of paper shop towel.

Prashun Patel
05-11-2012, 10:23 AM
JK is the master. But I will offer that the spray rattle cans are a quickndirty solution. 10/10/10 plan: 10secs to spray (no more), 10mins to wait, 10 times to repeat. No buffing, no abrasives.

My bowls are not nearly the museum quality guys like here can do, but the Deft finished stuff I've done looks very much gift and forever-hold-your-pieces-worthy...

Russell Eaton
05-11-2012, 10:34 AM
I would prefer spray lacquer but hesitate due to the piece having the oil on it already. The oil has been on for 3+ weeks. I am leaning towards the WTF. I like the look of the cherry hf I finished with it.

Richard Golde
05-11-2012, 10:49 AM
Sorry for the ignorance but this could be important to me and others. What is WTF?

Bernie Weishapl
05-11-2012, 10:56 AM
Richard it is General Finishes Woodturners Finish. Russell if you are unsure I would put a coat of shellac on first. It will go over most finishes as a protective coat and then put your lacquer or WTF over it. Lacquer as was said is a quick, downndirty finish but it does work well. I did my urn that way and didn't buff as I felt it didn't need it.

Alan Trout
05-11-2012, 2:24 PM
From my experience I find the WTF to be a much more durable finish than the lacquer and cures faster. I use to spray a lot of lacquer and over the last few years have gotten away from the product as I find it to overall be a fragile finish. I much prefer catalyzed spray varnishes but you probably don't have a place to get those or the equipment to spray them so the General Finishes "Woodturners Finish" in my opinion is probably the way to go. John K has a good thread on his experience with the WTF finish.


John-Paul Murphy
05-11-2012, 2:34 PM
wtf = wood turners finish